A thought on missing NK.
Weirwoods, and tactics. First, he seems almost prescient, so we can just assume he knows Winterfell is the "real" target. Despite, no particular reason he would, having been above the wall for over 6k years. He probably should think Harrrenhal is or something. But, assuming the plan is to attack Winterfell. Surrounding it and cutting off retreat south would be a priority. so, the main NK forces going south to the twins, Vale, etc would make alot of sense. Then going back up north to Winterfell after.
If so, he is then putting himself into a position of two fronts, should Circe actually send forces north.
Nk also probably has some thoughts on Weirwoods. Fear, or hate.. either way, their existence should impact his tactical choices. do the roots protect the crypts?
how tied to them is the NK? pyyric victories. Weirwoods burning in dragon fire seems like that would be poetic. find the tree he was created at, and burn it. the Children would never do that..