Directors / cinematographers are such faggots for parallelisms.
I think we are on to something with "Game of Thrones: BLACK"
Tyrone DeLannister has a mean jerry curl, looking like a midget James Brown and Danyqwa the black dragon queen. Would be tremendous.
She should've jumped from the tree.
list is invalid. the hound should be under crybaby.
She should've jumped from the tree.
Use your imagination.
Yes, I suppose a person could imagine any number of wild theories that is not based on anything other than their monkey brain trying to make patterns out of things that aren't there. So Bran (and everyone warging for that matter) has been shown to have control over their host but in this theory he doesn't, except for when he is at Hardhome and lets Jon go? Also the bit about "but you will fly" could have easily (and more likely) been a reference into using the ravens. Which he has like damn near every episode since then.
I remember when LF was teleporting around Westeros at Concorde speeds and everyone was like, "Oh we're using Star Wars spacial consistency eh." back in season 1/ people wanna know how the fuck did she get past all the white walkers and legions of undead to even reach the NK? The answer is very simple
I was talking predictions last week with a buddy and told him that everytime I get into a show like this the fan theories are way more complex and fitting to the storyline than what the show creators end up choosing.Yes, I suppose a person could imagine any number of wild theories that is not based on anything other than their monkey brain trying to make patterns out of things that aren't there. So Bran (and everyone warging for that matter) has been shown to have control over their host but in this theory he doesn't, except for when he is at Hardhome and lets Jon go? Also the bit about "but you will fly" could have easily (and more likely) been a reference into using the ravens. Which he has like damn near every episode since then.
They finally found someone who is a less attractive crier than Natalie Portman.
Turns out all the shit about children of the forest, old-school starks, valyrians, mermen, old gods, new gods, gods of light and the stark/targaryen hybrid, Jon Snow, all fitting together to thwart the Night King is completely BTFO by, "Why don't we just let a fan favorite character stab him in a way that only makes sense if you don't think too hard?".
i mean they did send their most valuable war unit, mounted calvary up front, seemingly with regular joe smoe iron weapons that would do shit, and if not for the luck of a wandering priest, wouldn't even have +30 firelord damage. Being lead by the one lone white guy that happened to survive, i guess maybe because he didn't have a flaming sword that said "HEY right here, extinguish me!!!"Just finished episode so I know I am missing days of shitposting... but
did you all read this?
literally the most impactful of ALL GOT articles this week!
Game of Thrones Keeps Killing Off Entire Immigrant Populations, And It's a Problem
After eight seasons, the Dotraki were almost completely exterminated on Game of Thrones. It's starting to become a