ha. uh, no, i don't have any idea what blog post you're talking about but i'd love to read it
Couldn't find a post but here's a video, will have to keep searching:
ha. uh, no, i don't have any idea what blog post you're talking about but i'd love to read it
i felt similarly, but her being a virgin was nothing surprising. i felt shame that this legit strong woman, is now some schlocky weeping ex girlfriend. only thing missing is the ice cream binging with her fat girlfriends while watching The Notebook.
oh well. at least we'll always have Vasquez.yeah, i think it would have been much better if when tyrion points it out during the game, she just drinks. like it's something that she just doesn't care about. brienne has been a great character because she's atypical. she's this beast of a woman who is more concerned with honor and justice... i mean she has to be CONVINCED on SEVERAL occasions to have a drink.
Screw it give this to me instead
Um I have thought she was going to end up as the Mad Queen for years. It's hardly a big turn.Listen if that's the way you want to interpret it that's up to you. For me there was an actual reason for what she did in that the decision to not do said thing would negatively affect her. If as now being rumored she's going to be so crazy that she needs to be shanked then I'm sorry but that is a clear turn for the character and not what either the books or the show had clearly been building up to until this point.
Um I have thought she was going to end up as the Mad Queen for years. It's hardly a big turn.
Then we haven't been watching the same show because she had clearly been set up as every bit as much of a 'chosen one' as Jon has, and it wasn't until there became danger of two chosen ones clashing that they started shoehorning in the Mad Queen turn.
oh well. at least we'll always have Vasquez.
On the show it wasn't as blatant as in the books but she was starting to color outside the lines a bit.Then we haven't been watching the same show because she had clearly been set up as every bit as much of a 'chosen one' as Jon has, and it wasn't until there became danger of two chosen ones clashing that they started shoehorning in the Mad Queen turn.
Then we haven't been watching the same show because she had clearly been set up as every bit as much of a 'chosen one' as Jon has, and it wasn't until there became danger of two chosen ones clashing that they started shoehorning in the Mad Queen turn.
Um I have thought she was going to end up as the Mad Queen for years. It's hardly a big turn.
Well I started thinking that was how it was going to go from the time she got power. So book 3 or 4?The books it was blatant that she was going to be her father? I don't re-read the books every year so I guess maybe as I age my memory is getting worse but this would be news to me as far as my understanding of where she is as a character and again news to the show runners who didn't set this up at all to almost anybody aside from the people claiming they now knew all along this was possible.
The virgin scene was put in simply as an intro for her and Jaime fucking. It was as subtle as a scene with Pod revolving around his dick/fucking skills. It was cringey, hack writing that really detracted from Brienne. That's the sort of shit the men who tormented her in the past would have pulled, and could only have been done well with a better line, and a less blunt delivery from Dinklage/the director.