viewed Brienne as a little sister, at best, throughout the entire series.
ok, I will say in hindsight that bow would break under its own weight. no rope/twine could be that powerful, without steel microfibers... no, wood bow itself, would be that rigid or strong at that size, or be able to fire an arrow with that much a magical creature with unknown limits to his strength is the same as an actual known weapon fired by an ordinary human?
that bow had to be 10 feet in length and probably so taut only a monstrous frost giant could knock one from it. since its from the LoAW the leather and wood could have magical properties as well.
Arguing physics in a show with magic and dragons is LOL. So many other things to complain about
Was my first thought. And all the "hostages" that are in the red keep are going to leave it if the last three nights a dragon comes in for a few night-raids.I was thinking, could Dany just attack KL at night, they have the ballistas sure, but no searchlights.
She could fly in high, once over the middle of KL then dive down and be able to wipe out the ballistas from behind. Giving them little time to react.
But that would require logic.
People joke about autism in this thread, but one of the component of autism is the difficulty to understand social cues. When Jaime cockblocking Tormund is read as a "big brother/little sister or mentor/mentee scenario", you know you have a problem.
Glad to see we are back at Qarth.
My wife and I have been saying for years that Jaime and Brienne are gonna' fuck. I'm pretty sure even in the books, Jaime pops a boner in a scene with Brienne. Right? Or am I making some shit up...
Welcome Home Aegon - is that from the e5 preview.... wait, what's that in front of the walls? Cersei's Troops? Are they fighting in front of the fortifications AGAIN?