Game of Thrones 05/12/19 Patch Notes:
*Fixed accuracy of Scorpions
Yeah freeing thousands of people from slavery is pretty fucked up.
Holy fuck. That well a well shot episode
Yeah freeing thousands of people from slavery is pretty fucked up.
And then turning 888,427 people to dust because she lost her wits?
Yeah freeing thousands of people from slavery is pretty fucked up.
"Hate", no. Although I understand the "it was too dark" complaints. Again visually a lot of it looked great, extremely cool scenes like the Dothraki flames dying out, etc. Just the meat and the NK died could have been done so much better. Zero real exposition between Bran/NK...or even Melisandre outside of telegraphing Arya killing NK. Really what did Melisandre even do in that episode? Both of her fire magic shit got countered easily. No greater info/truths from her or Bran about the fight versus the NK. The Long Night ends up one big battle at Winterfell where not enough "main" characters died (yes, Jorah and Beric and Lyanna Mormont's deaths were satisfying...but some total redshirts even lived).
Also the total Jon v. NK build up turns out to be completely nothing, Night's Watch, Azor Ahai, 3 Eyed Raven...basically all pointless in the end, just needed a teenage girl to train with the Faceless Men and give her the Catspaw Dagger to end the entire "Big Bad" of the entire series in one 80 minute episode.
I see Arya has found the one horse from 300.
on the plus side pretty much every women is HATING this episode, like so many dudes live but every female on screen is murdered by their magic unicorn and princess, aka Dany and her dragon
Cersei killed by a falling rock, yup great way to end the final villain
Urine the magical fuck boi dies to a cripple, never learning that he is NOT the daddy
Bran probably watching Targvision, "yeah Dany kill all them kids fuck them kids!!"
also LOL at all the people who named their kid Khaleesi or Dany last year
She liberates about as well as the United States.