I agree in spirit, but Lindelof pretty much gets a pass from me for The Leftovers.
Because they weren't writing the awesome story, it was already written for them. If the fat fuck would have waited 3 years, buckled down, and finished the last two books this would have been 8 full seasons of the best show ever adapted.
I bet he was terrified that no one was going to finish reading his series because the show would've been enough for those of us tired of his slow ass pace. These last 6 weeks must have been the biggest relief in his life; no way he fucks the books up worse than the show....right?
GRRM gets a lot of credit, and yes, he's a great writer of dialogue, but he's really only done the easy bits and hasn't proven he even knows how to tie everything together. Expanding a story is easy. Brining it all back together in a satisfying way is the trick. So far, he hasn't really shown to be anything but a JJ Abrams who can write dialogue. I bet he's terrified too, but more so at the prospect of having to put a bow on everything in a way that won't have him shat on by all the fans
They were waiting at Dragonstone and sailed out from behind the cliffs. Apart from a character yelling "it's an ambush!" I don't know what else they could've done.
Your scenario is cool too. I just thought it was fine as is
I don't see how he extracts himself from the tedious bog he wrote himself into in books 4 and 5 without a whole lot of hand-waving, if the books ever actually happen.
A fix for that would have been easy. A foggy early morning. Can't see anything in the sky above and anything in the water below. Dany is out scouting and Rhaegal and Drogon were doing their dragon shrieks.That was not am ambush, that was a bunch of boats rolling up on a clear day and killing a dragon. I know they WANTED it to be an ambush. But they were not able to convey that AT ALL to the audience...Because of lazy writing. The only thing they conveyed is that dragons suck when they need to suck and they wanted to make Euron a threat to increase tension in the next battle...and Dragons are unstoppable weapons of mass destruction when they need to be.
They could have showed how Dany didn't see sailing ships that have a max speed of roughly 11 MPH in GOOD conditions can maneuver out from behind a cliff face, aim and fire before Dany or any of their scouts see them? I mean, they could have shot the scene with the ships hiding behind the cliff face and the ships waiting for the dragons to fly by, and that would have still been lazy but at least more believable, because those lumbering ships didn't need to roll out and take aim. But they did, they specifically show the ships moving...thus now we have to ask "how the hell did Dany not see these ships moving into position"...Even if you can claim they were lying in wait...how?
And this isn't even getting into the ridiculous of it...Like the fact that Dany didn't send scouts to the fortress she was looking to occupy? She had the greatest sailor in the world, Davos, take the land route rather than advising her navy? This is all stupid but its nit picky. I'd rather focus on what the actual visuals failed to convey..and for me, man..I have zero idea how a dozen massive ships swung around and lined up a shot on a flying target without the target with superior elevation seeing them before they were under attack, on a clear day.
It just screams lazy. They could have done a hundred things to better convey the idea of ambush to the audience a lot better, while also maintaining the fact that dragons are a real threat. (Which is one of the biggest weaknesses of the scene. Showing so little work and sacrifice on Euron's end, to take out such a powerful asset on Dany's end, feels just cheap, it doesn't feel like it fits with the themes we've seen so far in the show.)
He should have stuck with his plan to skip 5 years and only hint back to it. Let the audience piece together what they want. His inability to let go his political plots and skip time is what is killing him, as you said, he's drowned himself in a bog.
you saw a throne? what throne would that be? all i saw was rubble and ash.Game of Thrones ends as it began. A Mad Targaryen taken down and a new King put on the throne.
Elephants would have stopped this bullshit.
Or better yet, what if everyone who goes up against her next episode dies and we legit do end up with a mad queen ruling over the ashes.
I think I would actually be relatively happy with this.
what? did you read the books? Dany boohooed over her dragon killing a fucking goat herder. she went out and bathed the fucking lepers, she freed all the dirty fucking slaves. she was literally the jesus character for all the books. she was just some silly girl doing silly girl things while also pretending to be a queen.I never, in the show or books, felt like Dany was a good person or that I was rooting for her. She was always god awful, ignorant, demanding, etc. The starks and their retinue were really the only ones that ever felt good outside of a few other random characters.
Edit: meant to tagJive Turkey
Are they the dragon equivalent of a Snickers?Elephants would have stopped this bullshit.