this is the final shot of jon petting ghost was just copied from season 4, musta been added in the last 2 weeks to appease viewers
She was being guarded by a 200ft tall (they say Drogon is a 747) volcano of death.Don't know if someones said it yet BUT WHY THE FUCK WAS DAENERYS LEFT UNGUARDED IN THE RED KEEP AFTER JUST TAKING THE CITY
Series 7.5/10 —— I enjoyed it more often than not, I enjoyed the last episode (kinda) but that last season...
Finale season 3.5/10 —— trash tier writing, not TLJ bad however they did make an attempt at that throne
Finale 6.5/10 —— actual episode was good, great even, but it’s how they got there.
It felt like the last episode was written, maybe even shot, before the final season was and they just didn’t know how to effectively get back from where they left off to that end. I am not saying it was shot first, just feels like that, and it is common practice to write the ending first but you have to have a strong sense and strategy of how you are getting to that ending and they just didn’t give themselves enough episodes to do the job and/or they didn’t use the ones they had effectively.
The biggest disappoint, as always, is that you can clearly see what “could have been” instead of what we got.
Its hard to pick what I hate most about the ending, but I think its Arya the Explorer.
Spends her whole life training for revenge on the people who hurt her and killed her family. Gets some of her revenge, is reunited with her family, decides "hmm, guess I'll go be an explorer", something she's never shown the least bit of interest in before.
This shit wasnt spoiled by the execution. This was a dumb fucking idea in the first place.
I loved her speech in dothraki from the top of the steps over all of the Unsullied to the guys on horse who were all hooting and hollering. Definitely can see how Tyrion and Jon interpreted that as the reason she must be killed ASAP![]()