I don't watch this show, but damn I love the salt just gushing out of this debacle.
Also, Emilia Clark is a giant pretentious cunt with no acting ability of any kind, so seeing people hate on the character that she built her career on is extremely satisfying to my German Schaedenfruede. Seriously, that cunt has been terrible in everything, even was the worst part of that Han Soylo movie which kind of impressive in and of itself. Watching the armies of blue hairs who flicked their beans to Dany the last decade turn on her over stupid shit the writers did with her character tripping on their own dicks to speed up their hop to Disney (ironically to join the Star Wars franchise she recently shit up herself) is extremely satisfying. Maybe they will stop miscasting her in shit to jerk off nerd fanbases so she stops shitting up other things we enjoy.