Lord Nagafen Raider
- 763
- 199
Well it least it’s good to know that Rombos opinion on things can be ignored from now on.
Feel free to do whatever you want

I liked GoT season 8. Suck it

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Well it least it’s good to know that Rombos opinion on things can be ignored from now on.
Not that I wanted 11 seasons of this garbage, but the second biggest problem with seasons 7 and 8 (especially 8) was that they compressed down plots and character growth that should have taken multiple seasons to develop.
Not that I wanted 11 seasons of this garbage, but the second biggest problem with seasons 7 and 8 (especially 8) was that they compressed down plots and character growth that should have taken multiple seasons to develop. I'm fine with a villainish turn for Dany, but this was the kind of thing that should have developed over time instead of the rush job we got. They tried a really ham-handed foreshadowing with how she dealt with Randyl and Dickon Tarly, except that stupid fucking scene falls completely to pieces under the least bit of scrutiny. She goes from slave freeing messianic figure to 'fuck it i will just burn down a surrendering city'.
Obviously the terrible pacing is only the second biggest problem because nothing compares to how bad the writing became as soon as they caught up to the books and couldn't plod along in GRRM's footsteps any longer. Increasingly trash tier writing from Season 6 onward.
S1 greatI can understand some differing of opinion, after all I don't hate S7 or especially 6 as much as some. 8 started fine with just old characters meeting up or some meeting for the first time (finally). Soon as they actually had to tie up any plot elements, though, it went straight to shit. I guess if you're expecting Dany to be power hungry, etc the whole time, it all makes sense...but it wasn't how she was portrayed in the sense she kept saying she wasn't there to rule over the ashes over and over and over. Yeah we got longer episodes in S8 but it wasn't near enough time for them to convincingly tie up so many plot threads, especially with the 180's we got from too many characters.
Also lol at basically only red shirts dying to Night King's army at Winterfell. Sure Jorah bought in, but Brienne/left hand Jaime/Podrick just mowed down countless undead like they were nothing.
S1 greatS1 great
S2 great
S3 great
S4 great
S5 meh
S6 great
S7 good? average?
S8 motherfucker goddamn piece of shit
My GOT binge from episode 1 is now up to season 8 episode 3. Aka the blackscreen great fight.
Sometime since release and now they actually adjusted the brightness a bit. You can almost see what is going on.
I still say Winterfell needed to lose and lose hard with the final battle of the living versus the dead at King's Landing.