Mr. Poopybutthole
So that it looks cool if he ever gets a TV deal.thats a little vague, but they still built the wall super fucking high, if there is magic woven into it, would they need to make it such a monstrous structure?
So that it looks cool if he ever gets a TV deal.thats a little vague, but they still built the wall super fucking high, if there is magic woven into it, would they need to make it such a monstrous structure?
The books discuss the series of caves and tunnels that go under the wall.wildlings had their own way of bypassing the wall. at least Mance and Osha knew how to get through.
i used to think the White Walkers were an allegory for something. maybe impending death or just that you cant have good without evil. but Valyrians and their dragons could be evil too, so yeah the whole setup with the wall and these frozen zombies really is a head scratcher. especially if you have men defeating them in The Long Night thousands of years earlier, yet never give any hints as to how that happened and why the WW defeat didnt include killing every single Walker. like, ok they kill a shitload of walkers, then the walkers just stop coming and turn back? wouldnt they keep coming until they were all dead? we also have these different islands like Asshai where batshit crazy things happen on a daily basis. there was no exit of magic there because its been a thing for the entire time.Before the show my pet theory was that the White Walkers were more of an elemental opposition to fire (represented by the return of dragons) rather than villains in their own right. I even thought it was possible that Dany would just go around burning Westeros such that they might actually be worthwhile allies to have. GRRM seemed to like messing with people's expectations when it came to good guys and bad guys. Assuming a rough outline of the show will mostly match a rough outline of the books I'm not super sure what the point of them even is.
I also thought it made more sense for Winterfell to fall and the White Walkers to march south destroying everything to set up a final mass battle between all that remained of the armies of man versus the undead culminating in the full return of magic to the world and the birth of a new age of heroes but that didn't happen either.
i used to think the White Walkers were an allegory for something. maybe impending death or just that you cant have good without evil. but Valyrians and their dragons could be evil too, so yeah the whole setup with the wall and these frozen zombies really is a head scratcher. especially if you have men defeating them in The Long Night thousands of years earlier, yet never give any hints as to how that happened and why the WW defeat didnt include killing every single Walker. like, ok they kill a shitload of walkers, then the walkers just stop coming and turn back? wouldnt they keep coming until they were all dead? we also have these different islands like Asshai where batshit crazy things happen on a daily basis. there was no exit of magic there because its been a thing for the entire time.
lol, yeah thats a cop out explanation by a person who has no idea what his own creation is supposed to mean.Oh boy, it gets worse lol. This article is about the White Walkers specifically and what they represent.
This is going to rustle some jimmies.
I warned you.
George RR Martin Confirms Popular Fan Theory About <em>Game of Thrones</em>'s White Walkers
The unkillable ice zombies are really a clever piece of
View attachment 353155
lol, yeah thats a cop out explanation by a person who has no idea what his own creation is supposed to mean.
he wasnt having a good streak, he had a bad streak, the last 2 books he created massive amounts of story bloat. he made way too many subplots and its impossible now to tie everything up in 2 books . so he's freaked outThe thing people miss with GRRM, is it's not uncommon for someone to have a really great stretch and then come back to reality. It happens in sports a lot. Roger Maris may be the prime example. Martin wrote some really great stuff and then couldn't keep up that level of quality so he just stopped finishing the story. Better to just not publish it than to publish shit he knows isn't as good as the earlier stuff and be ridiculed for it. Instead he takes the heat for being "slow". It will never be finished because he knows he can't finish it.
he wasnt having a good streak, he had a bad streak, the last 2 books he created massive amounts of story bloat. he made way too many subplots and its impossible now to tie everything up in 2 books . so he's freaked out
GRRM needs an Annie Wilkes to put his ass in gear.Sounds like a nice day for a.... white wedding.
Are you seriously surprised by this? It wasn't obvious from halfway through the first book?Oh boy, it gets worse lol. This article is about the White Walkers specifically and what they represent.
This is going to rustle some jimmies.
I warned you.
George RR Martin Confirms Popular Fan Theory About <em>Game of Thrones</em>'s White Walkers
The unkillable ice zombies are really a clever piece of
View attachment 353155
Better to just not publish it than to publish shit he knows isn't as good as the earlier stuff and be ridiculed for it. Instead he takes the heat for being "slow". It will never be finished because he knows he can't finish it.
There never should have been more than 5 books.he wasnt having a good streak, he had a bad streak, the last 2 books he created massive amounts of story bloat. he made way too many subplots and its impossible now to tie everything up in 2 books . so he's freaked out
maybe he was just stalling, you know there is a popular story that GRRM got pissed off because the fans collective on the net figured out his whole story and so he decided to scrap his original outline and go another way. thats where the many characters and possible heirs to the throne started popping up and so he had to build backstories for all of them. maybe he was hoping he would get inspiration from one of those subplots to carry on in a different direction, but instead he is still stuck but now has a massive world of pov characters he doesnt know what to do with. he did knock off Quentyn, i think. its still a big mess.There never should have been more than 5 books.
The basic structure is a 3 act story:
Act 1: Guy is warning people about the winter/white walkers (aka climate change) but petty, shortsighted people just want to play politics instead.
Act 2: People continue to play politics, white walkers show up.
Act 3: Everyone is forced to deal with the white walkers.
This typical 3 act story plot is broke up because GRRM smartly chooses to kill off all the adults who actually have the political will to solve the problem in act 1.
Now the story becomes:
Act 1: Guy is warning people about the winter but he is killed.
Act 2: His kids have to grow up while the adults are playing politics.
Act 3: Kids start coming into their own, realize THEY have to deal with the white walkers, but first they have to overthrow the adults.
Act 4: Kids are now grown, now they have to overthrow the adults.
Act 5: The kids who are now adults deal with the white walkers.
There's no point to doing this story in 7 acts, and there never was.
The National Esquire'ish style of posting wasn't clue enough I was being facetious?Are you seriously surprised by this? It wasn't obvious from halfway through the first book?
Are you just fucking dumb?