Millie's Staff Member
for me the show would make a great ending at the end of season 4 when Arya gets on the boat to leave Westeros. after that the show tanks.Stop at that season. Its the perfect ending.
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for me the show would make a great ending at the end of season 4 when Arya gets on the boat to leave Westeros. after that the show tanks.Stop at that season. Its the perfect ending.
Weekly reminder HBO offered D&D more money, more budget, and more time to keep GoT going for several more seasons so they could tell a complete story--
but the bankers sons twats couldn't be bothered. Bloys should have sacked them when they declined to film a complete season. For uniform sake, programming rules. We're HBO, we run seasons in line with our programming schedule, and if you can't do that, we're not going to work around your short little season. That would have been when you get rid of them without sacking them over a decline in quality.
Rushing off to suck Star Wars dick over at Disney is not a good excuse. Fuck HBO head of programming.
The have to pay Ellen Page to staple tits back on before each shoot?How is that even possible?
The have to pay Ellen Page to staple tits back on before each shoot?
Maybe you know and that's part of the joke, but that wasn't Ellen Page.
man, they even fucked up her death. what a shitshow that entire season was. like its almost impossible to do that by accident. imagine the cojones on pushing out an entire episode in full darkness that somehow makes it on the air. then they had the nerve to blame people for not having the right TVs to view it. just unbelievable.Lyanna Mormont plays Ellie, and she will not break faith with House Stark
Oberyn Martell plays Joel
man, they even fucked up her death. what a shitshow that entire season was. like its almost impossible to do that by accident. imagine the cojones on pushing out an entire episode in full darkness that somehow makes it on the air. then they had the nerve to blame people for not having the right TVs to view it. just unbelievable.
its so bad, i have never seen anyone defend any part of it. the actors who played the roles noped out after all the backlash. i dont think Dumb & Dumber even defended it.Imagine no meaningful deaths or consequences during said episode?
Sansa and Tyrion were supposed to die together. Instead we got SJW littlefinger revenge arc which made no sense and felt slammed in as a checkbox thing.
its so bad, i have never seen anyone defend any part of it. the actors who played the roles noped out after all the backlash. i dont think Dumb & Dumber even defended it.
its gonna be tough to get everyone re-invested in this world again. especially since its all going to be woke garbage with bias towards gender and race swapped characters from now on.What GOT needs is HBO to pull a Snyder cut and allow someone who isnt a hack to shoot a real final season of GOT. Any actor/actress who cant commit to the reshoot gets killed in the first 5 minutes. And they just reuse the 5 or 6 total minutes of the final season that arent shit.