Me either. I don't know what fans are "obsessed" with this book but they should get a life. I don't know whether the way things turned out was his idea and now he's retconning to try to find a story the fans will like better or if he just knows one ending that will anger the fans and he's afraid of writing another one or if he's just rich and lazy now and doesn't want to work hard when he doesn't need the money. In any case, it's not going to be written organically and as far as I'm concerned, the TV show is the ending and it is what it is and everyone should just get on with their life.
I remember I was in college, and I was BSN with some of the guys I work with about hey I need a new series of books to read. One of them suggested A song of ice and fire. So I go down to half Price books which is a chain or at least it used to be here in Texas, really awesome place.
It was summertime and I was about to go on a fishing trip with my uncles and my grandfather, and just wanted to book to read on the plane and when we were just hanging around at the cabin. So I picked up the first one used, and with the size of it I was like this will last me the entire trip.
A few days in for a week vacation, I had blown through it. I remember going to the airport flying back to Texas, I checked all the little shops that have paperbacks to see if I can find the second book and no dice. When I got back home I went back to have Price books and bought the next two books because I believe they were the only ones out of the time. Plowed through those in a week.
Those first three were so good, and I know when the fourth one was coming out I reread the originals, in anticipation for the new release.
Once audible became a thing, I was out of college and older, I got all the books on audio format and listened to them again. Even shared my audible account with my step brother who doesn't particularly care to read, but he even got into it. Then it ended up being that the two of us bitched about when the next book was coming. I think his wife ended up listening to them as well but she does a lot of reading, but still enjoyed them as much as we did.
At the time when people would ask about books I would tell them go pick these up, it's one of the greatest series ever written. I think I even got my stepmom to read them and she loved it, but she's actually got me into Stephen King when I was a kid. We were checking that fat fuckers blog once a week to see if there was any news about the books coming out.
Anyways, I watched the show and it was okay, but I would have been much happier just reading the book series to conclusion.
Fuck that lazy piece of shit though. You were handed everything you had been working on for your entire life by writing books, teleplays, short stories, on a silver platter, and then you decided to take a massive dump of hot wings all over it after a Giants game. I will say as much as I detest King now because of his insane politics, at least that guy still writes, even if not everything he puts out is worth reading. Then you look at a guy like Sanderson who's just a machine, even if he turns out some okay things most of the time.
I don't know it's just a weird thing for me to comprehend how you've been given this golden opportunity to do what I would assume most people believe to be your ultimate passion for a profession, and then you fumbled it, or threw the game, perhaps intentionally.
Ehh whatever, plenty of other good storytellers out there, like I said even if he crapped the books out, I'll never know how it ends.
Sorry for the rant, my wife made bloody Marys this morning