GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Golden Baronet of the Realm
God damn they just hit the nail on the head with that scene. Interesting they changed it to Bronn who Jaime trains with.
That was really well done...even for the book readers who knew it was coming the suspense was perfect. Like the very subtle shot of Olenna Tyrell taking the poisoned stone from the wife and I were like "Shit just got real".


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Like the very subtle shot of Olenna Tyrell taking the poisoned stone from the wife and I were like "Shit just got real".
When did that happen? I was watching close but not able to say anything because of the wife not knowing what was going to happen (about the time the jousting happened she was like, "seriously, can we just kill him tonight?"). I kept looking at Sansa's necklace to see if there was a missing stone and never saw it either.

Noble Savage

Kang of Kangz
<Bronze Donator>
Well I was hoping for a more brutal death for Jeoffery but I will take what I can get. All hail King Tommen.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
When did that happen? I was watching close but not able to say anything because of the wife not knowing what was going to happen (about the time the jousting happened she was like, "seriously, can we just kill him tonight?"). I kept looking at Sansa's necklace to see if there was a missing stone and never saw it either.
I thought it looked like the far right stone vanished after Olenna came up to talk to her but I'm not positive. Must re-watch.

Noble Savage

Kang of Kangz
<Bronze Donator>
Sansa don't have the balls for a move like that. Did anyone else find it odd how they zoomed in on the cake to show the dead birds inside after Jeoffery sliced it? Then it seemed like Margery feed a piece of said cake to him, wonder if one thing had anything to do with the other. Or maybe they were just showing that to reinforce the fact that Joeffery is a prick that likes to kill things.
When did that happen? I was watching close but not able to say anything because of the wife not knowing what was going to happen (about the time the jousting happened she was like, "seriously, can we just kill him tonight?"). I kept looking at Sansa's necklace to see if there was a missing stone and never saw it either.
When she walked up to Sansa and started talking about visiting Highgarden. We thought the last stone on Sansa's left side was missing after she walked off.

Could be our book knowledge filling in the blanks for our brains, though...but I feel like I remember seeing a blank space where one of the blue stones would have been.


Hell, any of the Tyrell women had the motive too. I don't know. That's what makes this such great television.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Btw, anyone notice Bran saw stuff that wasn't in the books and Martin wrote the episode? Dragon flying over Kings Landing and the Red Keep in ruins during Winter.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
The actor that plays Ser Ilyn (Wilko Johnson) has terminal cancer.
Yeah I figured this was the case, but it almost seems like a change they might have considered anyways. Gives Bronn (who is awesome) more screen time.