GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Millie's Staff Member
you think that video is defending gavin? lol that video is proof of how batshit you have to be to believe that theory and how little evidence actually exists to support it. Can't believe i'm saying this, but thanks astro for being just crazy enough to prove me right.
that wasnt the video i was referencing, i saw so many last night. this one is just as crazy, it highlights that there are people who do believe that jeyen and the westerlings have some shit going down. is it probable? nothing concrete as of yet suggests that, what it does say that there is enough gray area to think there is a possibility the westerlings have something going. the possibility is what makes people come up with these theories. the possibility is there, you can have an open mind on a subject because all the evidence isnt in yet. its better to have an open mind than be a close minded buffoon. which are you?


<Bronze Donator>
This gray area evidence you have is that the westerling's concocted an impossible master plan all so they could get the gracious reward of not being utterly destroyed by tywin?

a pardon from their crime is the reward they were given. a pardon. yeah batshit.

I almost hope that GRRM retcon's in a preggo jeyne westerling all so he can kill her in the most pedestrian way possible to smash all your hopes and dreams. Like she's riding and gets thrown from her horse or something, fin. would make an epic epilogue.


Musty Nester
how long has john and samwell been at the wall now?
Maybe like 2-3 years at the most? Probably more like 1-2. They haven't done any big timejumps, and they don't work much time pacing into the narrative. But you figgure he got there and got de-noob'd. And then he went out on that expedition. And then he shagged the red headed girl. And then he got let go by the king beyond the wall. And then the wall got attacked. And then he got High Commander-fied.

Really not all that long.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I think a lot more time has passed over the course of the show.

Certainly enough time for Drogon to get swole.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Myrcella commented to Jaime that she had been in Dorne for years. She certainly grew.


Trakanon Raider
so on the one hand i love seeing Cersei dragged through the mud made to beg, on the other hand I want to see her rage I want to see her rise up and bring the fucking hammer down. I wan to see what this women is capable of doing.

Also does the king every get pissed off and go on a killing rampage? I dont understand his mother and wife are both held by this religious nut. Does he ever do anything about it?

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
so on the one hand i love seeing Cersei dragged through the mud made to beg, on the other hand I want to see her rage I want to see her rise up and bring the fucking hammer down. I wan to see what this women is capable of doing.

Also does the king every get pissed off and go on a killing rampage? I dont understand his mother and wife are both held by this religious nut. Does he ever do anything about it?
What? Cersei is a total fuckup, her father had it right. She deserves to die a miserable death.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Tommen is a little kid with no authority. Everything of importance was handled by the Queen Regent. Also, Tommen (presumably) isn't a sociopathic monster like Joffrey was. Besides, if the Crown had any real authority over the religious nuts, she could just order herself released. And as Brando has said, we've already seen what Cersei is capable of. She's capable of completely ruining all the hard work Tyrion, Tywin, and countless others put in to try and ensure stability in King's Landing. She's a moron, an amateur at best who let her empty victory over Ned Stark go to her head and make her think she was some sort of political mastermind.


Also, wasn't part of the reason Cersei agreed to let the army of the faith reform the fact that there was a severe troop shortage in King's Landing? Even if Tommen had the will and authority to order his mother released (in the books Margaery was released to the custody of someone else until her trial) he may not have the troops to enforce that order.


Except I never said the 'The Westerlings are definitely hiding Robb's baby', I said it was a cool possibility that they should have left open. The other guy was like 'DUDE THE WESTERLINGS TOTALLY PLOTTED WITH TYWIN AND THAT PLOT REVOLVED AROUND THEIR DAUGHTER RANDOMLY MEETING AND FALLING IN LOVE WITH ROBB'
Not sure how it went down in the books, but from the show, it would seem much more likely that Drogo/Dany's baby is hidden somewhere.

Seriously, what mother would simply accept a witch telling her that her baby was a stillborn monstrosity and not demand to see it?


Mr. Poopybutthole
Maybe, except what actual effect would the appearance of child of Khal Drogo have? It wouldn't reunite his Khalassar, so at most, if Daenerys managed to take the Iron Throne but then died shortly thereafter, her supposed child with Drogo could serve as a pretender, but I doubt GRRM really plans to write the series that far. Robb's heir could theoretically sow chaos in Westeros in a number of ways, and at least one of those ways wouldn't even require the Westerlings to turn against the Lannisters.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Even the Tyrells have to step carefully around the faithful after Cersei gave them so much power. But while it's said that the weak evidence is why Margaery was given over to the custody of Randyll Tarly until her trial, I suspect it is just as much due to the power of the Tyrells. The High Sparrow is not a fool.


It's the books where Margaery is released until the trial, I don't know if she's still in custody in the show.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Not sure how it went down in the books, but from the show, it would seem much more likely that Drogo/Dany's baby is hidden somewhere.

Seriously, what mother would simply accept a witch telling her that her baby was a stillborn monstrosity and not demand to see it?
Jorah confirmed what the witch told her, though he was still on the take at the time.


Mr. Poopybutthole
so on the one hand i love seeing Cersei dragged through the mud made to beg, on the other hand I want to see her rage I want to see her rise up and bring the fucking hammer down. I wan to see what this women is capable of doing.

Also does the king every get pissed off and go on a killing rampage? I dont understand his mother and wife are both held by this religious nut. Does he ever do anything about it?
From a show perspective cersi just put in tomen's head that if he were to try and take Margera by force she would probably be the first to die before he ever got to her. So now that's in his head stopping him from rescuing her either.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Show Cersei isn't capable of much.

Like Tyrion told her, she's smart, but not half as smart as she thinks she is.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Well in the books, before Varys kills him Kevan Lannister (the new regent and Lancel's father) visits Cersei in her cell and basically tells her she's through in King's Landing even if she weasels her way out of the charges.