GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I interpret it that there are The Others and there are various levels of them. The ones that were created out of human infants, and the ones like the NK that was never human. A true Other. He is the one that can do actual magic of making WW and raising the dead. But yeah, they are highly reliant on the wights to fight for them, and the fact that super cold weather bones most regular humans anyway.

I think that they operate on some kind of arcane rules that they outright cannot defy, ones that Men do not know. There are probably only a very few true Others but there are at least several thousand of the human-turned Others. Since Craster and the "Wildling women who lay with the cold" legends have probably been going on for millenia.


I feel kind of sorry for Stannis actually. Pretty much sacrificed everything for a vision and gets reamed in the end. If he truly did die it was definitely the weakest, least shocking death out of the main characters.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Her saying she sees bolton's banners burning was the only thing that kept me from having a fred savage princess bride moment at the end of that episode and saying "dammit grandpa, why did you read me this stuff?" It may not have come yet, but I know its is coming isn't it, ISN'T IT?!?


Avatar of War Slayer
I feel kind of sorry for Stannis actually. Pretty much sacrificed everything for a vision and gets reamed in the end. If he truly did die it was definitely the weakest, least shocking death out of the main characters.
Nah, he sacrificed his own daughter by his command... the look in his eyes as the horses surrounded him (I assume some of those where "his" deserters that Bolton bought?) was like he literally was replaying all the crap he did in his mind and just like "damn I am a terribad person"


This whole episode just seemed like bringing most stories to where they are in the books so that GRRM will still be the one to advance the story first. You have nine months George.

Season six will be the telltale sign of D&D can create a quality season without direct source information. They know the ending for each character arc the rest is up to them.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Her visions have all come to pass, it just seems like she misinterpreted what this one meant. Thankfully for her, unless they capture some of the mercenaries who deserted Stannis, Davos will never find out exactly what happened to Shireen.


Millie's Staff Member
keep in mind that even if WoW is out before next season, the story in the show will not change because of it. the S6 script is being finished around now, so what we get next season will be D&D stuff.


Mr. Poopybutthole
keep in mind that even if WoW is out before next season, the story in the show will not change because of it. the S6 script is being finished around now, so what we get next season will be D&D stuff.
The show writers clearly have some sort of access to Winds of Winter, otherwise they wouldn't have been saying 'dont blame us blame GRRM' after Shireen got sacrificed. The series will remain more or less consistent between the two mediums, aside from what divergences they've already started.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Her visions have all come to pass, it just seems like she misinterpreted what this one meant. Thankfully for her, unless they capture some of the mercenaries who deserted Stannis, Davos will never find out exactly what happened to Shireen.
Oh they'll know. Half of Stannis' bannermen deserted him after Shireen. Not only is it likely that some of them will go to the wall, but some of them will also go south and after they warm up start talking about Stannis the Mannis burning his daughter.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Oh they'll know. Half of Stannis' bannermen deserted him after Shireen. Not only is it likely that some of them will go to the wall, but some of them will also go south and after they warm up start talking about Stannis the Mannis burning his daughter.
I thought it was all mercenaries who abandoned him, which is why he had no cavalry left. Any of his bannermen who were still with him after all people he's burned wouldn't abandon him after he burned Shireen.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I thought it was all mercenaries who abandoned him, which is why he had no cavalry left. Any of his bannermen who were still with him after all people he's burned wouldn't abandon him after he burned Shireen.
Who knows. I'm sure like anything else it's a mixture of things. Shireen is the first child he's burned and probably the first person he's burned who isn't a heretic.

You probably also have a lot of people who deserted him when they saw the cavalry charge.


Tranny Chaser
Holy shit what an episode. Nice tits on Cersei. Did I miss there being a haystack or did salsa and reek do a thelma and louise? Everybody is on a butch cassidy a the sundance kid buddy ride, or they die horribly.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Shireen is the first child he's burned and probably the first person he's burned who isn't a heretic
Actually she was a heretic. She didn't convert like her parents did. That was one of the things that her mother found fault in her over. She had Mel go speak to her in one episode to try and bring her over to R'hllor.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Nice analysis of Stannis' battle:[S5][E10] The Finest Military Commander in Westeros - Album on Imgur

TL;DR: Stannis is said to be a brilliant military commander, but gets caught with his pants down by the Boltons because of tactical mistakes an experienced commander would not make.

Going further on this, I wonder if Melisandre was just after Shireen's sacrifice the whole time, and knowingly sent Stannis to his death once she got it? Her prophecies are all half-truths, sometimes she seems to be just misintepreting them, but perhaps she knows exactly what will happen and is being deceitful. Stannis being assured of his victory by her made him sloppy.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Going further on this, I wonder if Melisandre was just after Shireen's sacrifice the whole time, and knowingly sent Stannis to his death once she got it?
I don't think so. She looked genuinely shocked when she abandoned Stannis, and looked like she was still in shock when she got back to Castle Black.


Log Wizard
I'm betting 2/3 of the "deaths" aren't deaths. I think they don't show Myrcella as a completely limp corpse to add some mystery. Then episode 1 of next season you see her dead as body and think "Oh fuck, Stannis and Jon are gone then, too." Then end of episode is Brienne carrying some body on her horse to wherever and then Stannis coughs or some shit and you see he's a bargaining chip. Jon may be dead for several episodes and I surmise a rez in episode 4ish. Whether Meli gives him magicz CPR or the pyre thing brings him back, we'll see. Last time Dany went into a funeral pyre she did pretty well~

Stannis is probably alive because he's like the only person who went against love and family for "duty". He has to be redeemed. Robb, Nedd, etc all fucked up trying to protect their families. Stannis left them behind to do what he thought was right.

Reek and Sansa obviously intended to survive or else they would've fucking jumped on top of Myranda. Their intention was 100% to survive the fall, but there was probably the acknowledgement that they could die and that's why they held hands.

I suspect after hearing Myrcella is dead a lot of next season is going to be Little Finger and/or Olena talking to Doran Martell. Bring on fAegon!


Trakanon Raider
Going further on this, I wonder if Melisandre was just after Shireen's sacrifice the whole time, and knowingly sent Stannis to his death once she got it? Her prophecies are all half-truths, sometimes she seems to be just misintepreting them, but perhaps she knows exactly what will happen and is being deceitful. Stannis being assured of his victory by her made him sloppy.
It's possible she was just using Stannis all along, but her face upon hearing half his troops left him made me think she finally realized she was backing the wrong horse.

I was never a big Stannis fan in the books, but seeing him lose everything and such tragic fashion these last two episodes hit me right in the feels. That look of resignation as bad news kept piling up, and ultimately when Bolton's army came marching towards him.... That actor really nailed it and left me feeling super bummed about a character I previously gave zero fucks about.