GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
There's really just one significant spoiler left that I recall from the book and I will be surprised if it isn't in episode 1 of the upcoming season.


<Bronze Donator>
There's really just one significant spoiler left that I recall from the book and I will be surprised if it isn't in episode 1 of the upcoming season.
Trying to think of what you are referring to. Here's a primer for all the show only folks, to prepare yourselves when all the threads get merged:

Jon Snow = exactly where the books leave off
Dany = exactly where the books leave off
Jorah (Sir Friendzone) = quasi merged with another storyline, where the books leave off
Tyrion = beyond the books
Theon = pretty much where the books leave off with changes
Sansa = Merged with Jeyne Poole storyline, well beyond the books
Littlefinger = well beyond the books
Arya = beyond the books for a lot of events, one minor detail remains
Cersei = where the books leave off
Jaime = plotline dropped, well off on a tangent, potentially picking back up part of his book story
Brienne = plotline dropped, well beyond the books
Margaery = where the books leave off
Tommen = where the books leave off
Bran/Hodor/Meera & Co = where the book leaves off (as of season 4, he was so far ahead he didn't even appear last season at all)

And a bonus, the Not Dead Yet in the books but already dead on TV:
Myrcella = well beyond the books
The entire Baratheon family line & Army = well beyond the books
Sir Barristan Selmy = Well beyond the books

So i'm like, what the fuck are you talking about? isn't that everyone? then I remembered:

Samwell Tarly = Hasn't caught up to the books!, yet there are no major spoilers so that couldn't be it? Who am I forgetting? What major spoilers are still left in the books, that they've chosen to adapt to the TV series? They cut several fluff characters and streamlined the story a lot. Hell the last season spoiled practically all of the major cliffhangers from the last book.

You mean Lord Varys? Yeah I can see that potentially being something, if they even go there. I guess he left Mereen and can teleport back eventually, but I doubt that'll happen in Episode 1. Seems like more of a later season episode after those people start fixing the kingdom and dany is closer to coming home.

Oh I guess you could mean Balon, who's been dead for 2 books now but they didn't know if they were even going to do any Ironborn story until they got approved for an 8th season. So yeah, you're right I suppose, probably episode 1. not much of a spoiler though, they show it in the season 6 trailer.

So yeah, chin up there TV only folks, as you can see above there isn't a whole lot that we could spoil even if we wanted to. We're in the same boat as you for about half the characters, and the TV show spoiled the books for the other half.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
I'm talking about ToJ. It's not a plot spoiler, just a significant piece of information the TV viewers don't have.


Potential ToJ Spoiler:

The actor that plays Bran discussed the Tower in Spain as being one of his favorite places to have shot for Season 6. This seems like a very strong indicator that the ToJ flashback will be scene through the eyes of Bran as a Weirwood vision.


Life's a Dream
I just saw this. I don't know if it's been posted already, but just in case, here you go.

There's a show clip at the end.



The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I hope Ghost eats Olly's shitty little fucking face off.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
I can feel the negs incoming since reality + GoT = HAHA but seriously how does a large dog threaten people with longswords and armor? Wouldn't one solid blow from one of those swords completely wreck an unarmored animal even a relatively large one like the direwolves? Are they supposed to be somewhat mystical and be resistant to damage or are they truly just large dogs?


I can feel the negs incoming since reality + GoT = HAHA but seriously how does a large dog threaten people with longswords and armor? Wouldn't one solid blow from one of those swords completely wreck an unarmored animal even a relatively large one like the direwolves? Are they supposed to be somewhat mystical and be resistant to damage or are they truly just large dogs?
Uhhh go fight a lion woth a sword?


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
That clip is interesting. The folks in that room + Ghost are all dead set on protecting Jon's body from the traitors. Why else would they protect it...unless they know he can be resurrected ;p