GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


I predict Jon becomes cold hands.

A form of Azor Ahai - The prince that was promised - teams up with the children of the forest and bran and combats the lone night.

A Bleeding Star - Salt and Smoke - etc etc.

Shireen being the sacrifice that makes Jons sword.

The Dragon must have three Heads

Jon - Dany - and one other person (Probably Dinkle)



Millie's Staff Member

stannis needs to win the battle of winterfell. he demands a vagina monster from mel. she tells him the only way is through a sacrifice, his own daughter. stannis flips out and tells her to fuck off. she leaves and heads back to the wall just in time to catch jon snow being ganked. she gives him a 100% rez and now he owes her a big favor.

arya kills meryn fucking trent.

brienne tries to rescue sansa and kill stannis. fails at both and dies.

theon tries to rescue sansa and does and then he dies.

tyrion and ser stonezone continue their long as fuck journey to mereen, maybe arriving by episode 7 or 8

if varys isnt with dany then he will be back in KL to kill kevan and pycelle.

we get a teaser with whats happened to rickon and tonks

cersei has her walk of shame, we make a gif of it for later enjoyment.

tuco realizes that melisandre is a mage and not a wizard so she cant teleport.


Molten Core Raider
Do we know if Kevan Lannister is still in the story? Last scene he left for Casterly Rock. I'm not sure if they are going to make him Hand of the King and later killed by Varys.


Log Wizard
Do we know if Kevan Lannister is still in the story? Last scene he left for Casterly Rock. I'm not sure if they are going to make him Hand of the King and later killed by Varys.
He replaces Cersei as Regent when she's imprisoned by the zealots.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Do we know if Kevan Lannister is still in the story? Last scene he left for Casterly Rock. I'm not sure if they are going to make him Hand of the King and later killed by Varys.
I'm sure he'll come back once Cersei is imprisoned. Or at least he could.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Of course he'll be back. Vary's killing him was so fucking awesome in the books. They have to do that in the in the show. Varys will be back in Kings Landing by the end of the season.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
That would be the worst shit. Tyrion being Tywin's true blue son is perfect.
It is, although if you bought the World of Ice&Fire, one of the recurring themes that plagued the Targ dynasty (including the Mad King) was babies born with horrible birth defects.


A Man Chooses....
Kevan and Pycelle getting whacked will be the season ending.
Negro please, it's gonna be Danny flying off on Drogon and Jon getting ganked. 99% of people couldn't pick Kevan out of a lineup, and no one cares about Pycelle, even if he does give us an awesome Mountzombie fight.


Lord Nagafen Raider
King's Landing is probably NYC of Westeros (A District of Columbia doesn't make sense because there's not a real federal government). Oldtown is hmm.... a big city with the best university. Maybe Los Angeles or Cambridge?
Ummmm... you mean London and Oxford?


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Of course he'll be back. Vary's killing him was so fucking awesome in the books. They have to do that in the in the show. Varys will be back in Kings Landing by the end of the season.
I agree. They set Kevan as being a decent person for a reason. He's going to roll in post-Cersei, make it look like he's going to be the guy to give Tommen a fighting chance, then boom, Varys strikes.
Ummmm... you mean London and Oxford?
Those would be more apropo, but the previous poster used a US city.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
I spied Tormund working his new gig this weekend during a Wyndham Rewards commercial.
