GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
There are no "legitimate Baratheons" left. If Tommen were to die, would the the throne would then go to Kevan Lannister or Jamie?


Mr. Poopybutthole
So what? I never said that having the stronger claim made you invincible, but the strength of your claim often has a lot to do with the size of the army you can raise to support/defend that claim.

There are no "legitimate Baratheons" left. If Tommen were to die, would the the throne would then go to Kevan Lannister or Jamie?
The Tyrells would be in the strongest position to take the throne through Margaery and the fact that they probably have the most intact army left in central Westeros, and they could secure the support of another great house (like say, the Martells) by marrying Margaery to their heir.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Here is what is going to happen with Jon.

Up north, what do you do with the dead? You burn them before they zombify. They are going to get a quick makeshift pyre going for him and throw his body on the bbq. Between him being 50% Targaryen and the Melisandre being conveniently present, Jon will rise from the ashes, un-burnt. The men of the Night's Watch will shit their pants and in the confusion, Jon and his loyal man (Edison Tollette) in the Nightswatch bolt out of there on horses to meet up with Tormund and the Wildlings.


FPS noob
jon will be rezzed as Joan, a transgender new womyn who defies conventional westeros standards of gender and beauty. she will stop the white walkers by explaining cisgender discrimination and the patriarchy privilege they have supported for thousands of years, and all the dragons will naturally support her since she is in tune with nature. In the end women and transgenders will reform the world to be a communal egalitarian society with no weapons, nobility, wealth, or war.

the show will be subtitled Game of Traps for season 6


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
jon will be rezzed as Joan, a transgender new womyn who defies conventional westeros standards of gender and beauty. she will stop the white walkers by explaining cisgender discrimination and the patriarchy privilege they have supported for thousands of years, and all the dragons will naturally support her since she is in tune with nature. In the end women and transgenders will reform the world to be a communal egalitarian society with no weapons, nobility, wealth, or war.

the show will be subtitled Game of Traps for season 6
She-Jon will have Lady Stoneheart's role condensed into her storyline. Melisdandre will breath life back into him and say "In the name of the Lord of Light, arise Jon Snow." and She-Jon will reply "Call me Catelyn." /hairtoss


Vyemm Raider
My joke about the Watch sitting around eating Ghost burgers while watching Jon burn to ashes should be enough to haunt you all for 10 months without the need for the she-Jon theory.

Noble Savage

Kang of Kangz
<Bronze Donator>
I didn't think that the ruler could be a woman in Westeros regardless of their standing in the line of succession. I thought it was always the next closest male.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Wrong. Little Finger would scoop that shit up somehow.
Not unless he picks up some kind of closer connection to the Throne between now and Tommen's death he won't.

I didn't think that the ruler could be a woman in Westeros regardless of their standing in the line of succession. I thought it was always the next closest male.
The male line of House Baratheon is extinct when Stannis dies, unless they learn about, find, and crown Gendry. Otherwise all the normal rules go out the window and whoever has the combination of claim + support ends up with the Throne, and a marriage to the former queen + the support of House Tyrell and another great house would be a hard combo to beat.

Myrcella dying is a good way to force Doran to support Daenerys though.

Noble Savage

Kang of Kangz
<Bronze Donator>
The fucked up think is that if Stannis would have been patient he might have gotten the throne be default when everyone else died off. All it would have taken would have been Roberts 3 "children" dying off and he would have been next in line anyways lol.


Mr. Poopybutthole
The fucked up think is that if Stannis would have been patient he might have gotten the throne be default when everyone else died off. All it would have taken would have been Roberts 3 "children" dying off and he would have been next in line anyways lol.
Nobody would have bent the knee to Stannis even if the Robert's "children" were all dead.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
My guess she'll become nobody, then have an Arya relapse when she gets sent on a mission into Westeros and sees someone on her list. But Needle will probably be important, either her casting it away to become nobody, or her saying fuck the faceless men and getting it back from its hiding spot to go stab more people.
That's my thought too. My guess is she's going to be full jedi-faceless and smash a few unrelated people until something dramatic and predictable happens and she snaps out of it.


Millie's Staff Member
stannis is dead, even all the "stannis is still alive " theories have him dying not long after that scene, they wouldnt contract the actor for another season just to be killed off when he was already killed at the end of the previous season. stannis has no point in being alive. its not like he has somebody or something to live for, not even a little border collie named gustav.
After burning through 2 major armed forces because he sucks, even the bank of braavos will tell him to fuck off while also saying, "gimme my money bitch!"


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Overwrought from grief at the death of his daughter right after having his first and only father/daughter moment? He was about to take that sweet thing to pound town.

But seriously, the ship is half a mile from shore and crewed entirely by Prince Doran's men. If that ship doesn't turn around in the very first episode of S6 it will be a strong contender for worst writing in the entire show. Jaime's best bet is to take Trystane hostage in his cabin immediately.
I agree only if the crew know that Myrcella dies. The most likely reaction from Jamie would be to cry out for help and hope Trystane knows enough about poison to help her, but if he kept it quiet and kept her locked away he could conceivably get to KL without them knowing.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I guess it's just the way these things go, but I'm annoyed that they have three major characters who are 'semi-dead'. You could make the argument that Myrcella, Stannis and Jon will all be alive next season in some form.

And with that in mind, how many of you want to read random leaks, casting calls, botched interviews and other bullshit spoilers tell you which characters are alive and in the next season of GoT before it airs?


Mr. Poopybutthole
I agree only if the crew know that Myrcella dies. The most likely reaction from Jamie would be to cry out for help and hope Trystane knows enough about poison to help her, but if he kept it quiet and kept her locked away he could conceivably get to KL without them knowing.
Dude, it's a journey of a couple weeks. Myrcella would be rotting to pieces by the time they got to King's Landing, someone would smell her at the very least.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Those sorts of things wouldn't bother me. I don't really wonder all that much about any of the three. I'm not certain about them but I don't foresee any sort of strong anticipation as to any of their fates either. Jon being gone for good would be the biggest gripe, just from a wasted potential standpoint.