GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
It is supposed to be but that could just be rumor and legend. Who knows.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Jozu came up with that shit out of nowhere and he's pretty well known for being a retard.
I never said he would be fucking superman loool.

All i said is he might not have to eat, or sleep, and perhaps maybe has more resistance to pain or something and maybe more speed but thats about it. No one said he would be fucking superman, but like Kit Harrington himself said he has to go through some type of transformation. Who the fuck wants Jon to be exactly the same anyway? If thats the case why even have him die?


<Bronze Donator>
Where did you get that from?

From the interview he's clearly talking about a mental/psychological transformation, your talking about invulnerability and speedforce


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Obviously he will be able to leap tall castles in a single bound or the show sucks!


Musty Nester
I've got another theory. I think Martin got distracted with other storylines and put the wights on the back burner. He started the books with the intent on making the White Walkers a big part of the series, but then found out he liked writing about other stuff more. Let's face it-- the inter-house political drama and history stuff is more interesting than the tired storyline of "a great evil comes down from the north and threatens all civilization." I'm sure he isn't going to totally drop the wight storyline, but, frankly, I think the series has outgrown it.

This seems to be a theme with Martin anyway. He's an excellent writer, but even the best writers get tired of certain storylines and lose focus. That's where his editor is supposed to come in and say, "Hey man, you keep going off on tangents and losing the main thread of this story. How about you put these ideas into side novels, or short stories, or prequels, or sequels, or whatever, and just focus on keeping a cogent storyline."
Zombies were extremely popular when he started writing. By now, zombies are passe.

He never really had a plan beyond, "oh shit, snow zombies. All the nerd money will be mine."

He does a couple of things well.


<Bronze Donator>
nah his original outline was 3 books. War of the 5 kings (War of the Roses between lancasters and Yorks, or Lannisters and Starks), Return of Targaryan rule (Tudors. which following the war of the roses, means she'll end up marrying a york, or Stark, ie Jon Snow), and the War for the Dawn (here's where you insert Fantasy into your historical fiction. Dragons vs zombies).

It really was supposed to be a bunch of backstabbing war between houses leaves the country in shambles, Dany roles in and reconquers shit, just in time for the wall to come down and shit to get real.

He just likes historical politics so much he took 3+ books to finish the first bit, then made a grave error in judgement and didn't use his long planned 5 year gap to kick off the 2nd bit, so we've now had 2 books of bullshit filler to cover the 5 year gap time period (but not really 5 years).

He's still expecting to finish the last 2 pieces (Targ return and zombie war) in 2, maybe 3 books. Since his interest is more on historical fiction and less on Fantasy elements, he can probably do it. Just rush through the fantasy part he doesn't want to write anyway. Assuming he ever finishes the books.


Rogue Deathwalker Box
<Silver Donator>
I got really bored at work, and watched all of Youtube.

There is a person / channel whatever, "Alt Shift X" that does some good GoT theory shit. Tyrion being a lannister, john snow being a targ, what Varys is actually up to etc (theorizes he is a Blackfire).

Anyway, some good stuff in those videos, or maybe not. Fuk I dunno, I literally think I watched all of Youtube so my brain is basically rotten at this point.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I've seen Tyrion theories of him being a targ/dragon rider but being a Lannister isnt really a theory


Millie's Staff Member
I got really bored at work, and watched all of Youtube.

There is a person / channel whatever, "Alt Shift X" that does some good GoT theory shit. Tyrion being a lannister, john snow being a targ, what Varys is actually up to etc (theorizes he is a Blackfire).

Anyway, some good stuff in those videos, or maybe not. Fuk I dunno, I literally think I watched all of Youtube so my brain is basically rotten at this point.
yeah, ive linked those before and gotten my ass reamed for it. though, the varys video is quite cool and is probably the best summation of his story arc and since we likely will never see how it turns out in the books, it doesnt make you mind so much.
alt x and preston jacobs seem to have the best video theories


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Were they? The first book came out in 1996.

28 Days Later came out in 2002. Walking Dead was 2003.
I'd argue zombies weren't even popular when TWD started publication. That was really at the very start of the vampire craze. Zombies didn't really become a mainstream thing until 2009/10 time frame.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Also I'm not sure I agree with the whole "GRRM wrote himself into a corner" thing. The earlier books I'd say had more political intrigue and schemes than the later books. He didn't just stumble into the realization that he enjoys writing the human aspect of the story. Book1/2 were extremely, extremely low fantasy and heavy on character-character interaction. With the biggest fantasy being the shadow baby killing the homo. If anything I'd say GRRM started to enjoy writing more about high fantasy and magic in his world because it was introduced more and more as time went on with the novels.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
After skimming through this thread I am 100% convinced that Hodor is going to wind up on the iron throne at the end.