GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


privileged excrementlord
Preface: great episode.

Why didn't Sansa tell Jon about the Knights of the Vale? Wait half a day and maybe not get damn near completely slaughtered? She didn't know? Yeah right, why the fuck would Littlefinger not tell her? lolwut. Oh well, we had the Gandalf thing predicted a while back. At least Gandalf fucking told Aragorn he was gonna show up.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Preface: great episode.

Why didn't Sansa tell Jon about the Knights of the Vale? Wait half a day and maybe not get damn near completely slaughtered? She didn't know? Yeah right, why the fuck would Littlefinger not tell her? lolwut. Oh well, we had the Gandalf thing predicted a while back. At least Gandalf fucking told Aragorn he was gonna show up.
"Look to my whores cumming, at first light, on the fifth day. At dawn, look to the breast."


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
My only gripe is that Jon should've got hit with an arrow at the beginning. Plot armor, I know, but at least he did almost suffocate.
The battle was awesome, him not taking an arrow can be forgiven. I mean, he almost died under a writhing mass of dead and dying bodies in the midst of a savage melee, so yeah at least he almost did

Hardhome was better IMO but this was really good. The frantic nature of the battle sets it apart in some ways, it made me feel like Jon could perhaps die, and most importantly, it was so well done, the choreographed Knights of the Vale saving the day can also be forgiven.

I know Wun Wun was a cgi money pit and had to go, but fuck, I was hoping he would somehow survive and settle the fertile lands of Westeros, siring a litter of half giants.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
Wun Wun
Wun Wun said fuck holding the door!

They blew next years budget on this episode. Was absolutely fantastic!


Buzzfeed Editor
The Knights of the Vale rolling up the Bolton army was awesome. Most of it was awesome. Even the Dany parts were good, Tyrion had 2 great scenes there. All in all, I'm spent.

I thought that battle was one of the best I've seen. Even the battles in Braveheart and similar shows weren't that brutal.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I was more worried about Tormund in this episode than any other character prior.
Thats why the battle was great. I felt the same way. No Karstark ruse, thank god. Shaggy Dog RIP.

I thought the Dany dragon scene was well done? I was pumped when the dragons teamed up and were fucking nuking shit from orbit. If you thought that was lame your not doing it right.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Yeah he looked like he was going to get it a couple times fighting that Karstark traitor.


Preface: great episode.

Why didn't Sansa tell Jon about the Knights of the Vale? Wait half a day and maybe not get damn near completely slaughtered? She didn't know? Yeah right, why the fuck would Littlefinger not tell her? lolwut. Oh well, we had the Gandalf thing predicted a while back. At least Gandalf fucking told Aragorn he was gonna show up.
That was my only gripe as well. She could have saved a lot of lives. Even if she didn't know he was coming for sure, like he didn't send a raven back, she could have at least said hey i have word out to one more set of allies. They could have still done the battle exactly the same even and just have Jon say we can't wait for a maybe, we have to go now.


Someone better go up to Sansa next week and thank her for letting thousands of people die. If I was Jon I would see that shit as another betrayal and nope the fuck out of there, take Tormund and Davos and go chill in Dorne.


privileged excrementlord
Yeah it's fucking retarded, but still it was the best episode of the season. They had to create artificial tension. Wondering how Gurrm goes about setting the battle up.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Pretty sure that was Smalljohn.

Now I wonder if Jon is going to take that army south to exact a bit of vengeance on the Freys, or if he stands pat and starts getting ready for the Night King.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
If Sansa marries Littlefinger, it gives them a good chance to unite against the Lannisters. That is until the White Walkers come.

Given that the preview mostly showed Lannisters, but is entitled the Winds of Winter, I'm expecting the last scene to be Bran fucking up and crossing the Wall, allowing the Night King through.
I'll have to watch it again, but didn't the preview show a white raven? That confirms that winter has come.


They could have either have them mention it but go anyways or NOT show us her letter to little finger and let us be surprised when they show up. Showing us help was coming ruined the suspense of reinforcements saving the day and us knowing they were coming and her not saying anything just makes her look retarded as well.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
Looking at that battle again...The wall of bodies is what made that battle. Fucks sake the bodies are piled 10 feet high!