GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
So, basically, Cersei's children were always her weakness, not her strength. I like that she just kind of accepts Tommen's death and moves into full on ice queen mode.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I think its a better than fair chance at this point that Jaime is the Valonqar. His life has been defined by a single act that gave him the title of Kingslayer, which he has always justified as being for the greater good. Yet now his lover, and mother of his children, has actually executed the Mad King's plan (on a smaller scale, sure) and not only that, it leads their last child to commit suicide. Jaime's hands will be around her neck.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
The after show has me thinking Arya is going to use her face skill to infiltrate the Others and kill the Night King.

Come at me bros.
If she's going to kill white walkers, she's going to need to upgrade Needle to Widow's Wail.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Haven't read all the posts, but damn what an episode.

I liked their version of Frey Pies better. From the opening sequence I knew this would be an awesome episode.

My only complaint is they STILL didn't fucking resolve the R + L = J shit. I mean, we all know it at this point, just let it out.


El Presidente
Garlan Tyrell probably, Loras' older brother. Also has a younger one, Willas, who was crippled by Oberyn Martell. Though neither are in the show, so no idea; it looked very much like Olenna was in control.
Garlan is older than Loras, but Willas is actually the oldest and the Heir to Highgarden in the books.


Trakanon Raider
Haven't read all the posts, but damn what an episode.

I liked their version of Frey Pies better. From the opening sequence I knew this would be an awesome episode.

My only complaint is they STILL didn't fucking resolve the R + L = J shit. I mean, we all know it at this point, just let it out.
I think only the astrocreep and lumies of the world still thing it isn't resolved.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
So many epic moments this episode. I think my favorite of the smaller moments was Daenerys pinning the badge of office on Tyrion officially making him Hand of the Queen.


Registered Hodor
They really needed to prune some characters out for the last 1.5 seasons and they did a good job of it tonight, I'm counting 8 "named" characters dying:

grand maester pycelle
mace tyrell
margarey tyrell
loras tyrell
kevan lannister
high sparrow
king tommen
walder frey
daario (#9 if you want to count him)


Silver Knight of the Realm
Seems like general consensus from people that messed with the audio / lip read it was it was "Aemon", not "Aegon" whispered. i.e. Maester Aemon who was named after...

"Prince Aemon, the Dragonknight, may be the most famous Kingsguard who ever lived. How did he die? Defending Aegon the Unworthy from the brothers of a man who Aegon fed to his dogs. The man's crime? Sleeping with one of the many mistresses Aegon wasn't using. And the man was one of Aegon's own Kingsguard."

Dark Sister or Blackfyre = Longclaw confirmed?


privileged excrementlord
So if you take a close look at the flags on the ships during the last scene you will see the dornish coat of arms. I guess Varys teleported the entire fleet to rendezvous with dany.
Or that scene was of the meeting of the two fleets and not them setting off from Meereen. Why does everyone want a season of them just sailing?
Watch the inside the episode shit and they specifically say that scene is the fleet leaving Slaver's Bay. So it makes no sense for Varys to be there. It's a minor detail, that was probably the best finale of this show, but it's still dumb. Someone had to say "let's put Varys here." Why? Just have him be there when they link up next season, no full season of them sailing necessary. Do they not have ravens that can cross the narrow sea?


Mr. Poopybutthole
Fucking ded. The caption the person I saw who posted this was

"Yo sis I'm back and brought some Frey P..."



Arya being a full on facewalker is ridiculous because there is no defense against it. She is only limited by how long it takes to travel to the next location. Just keep swapping faces higher up the food chain to be the already trusted chamber maid and you win. Such an OP aspect in the hands of child like intellect writers.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Frey was easy because he was a lecherous old man. Cersei would be extremely hard to get to unless she assumed the identity of Qybern.


Millie's Staff Member
i am gladly eating some humble FREY pie! i rread all your shit and i accept every bit of it.

but but but but but.
none of that was confirmed until tonight! i suspected cersei was going to pull a michael corleone scene with the wildfire, but i never imagined she would suit up in wicked queen armor and become Elizabeth Bathory (Blood Countess) yes cersei is a certified villain. they had to hit you over the head with it so people wouldnt wonder now that ramsay is gone, who can we love to hate? cersei! there ya go.

i have to repeat that was an excellent episode. acting was on par with the effects. so much fanservice was ahcieved. no doubt the redditors are jizzing themselves silly. and yes we predicted most of the stuff in this thread, but it was still great to be given what we wished for for once. sad we didnt get varys to do the deed with pycelle and kevan (that was kevan who was vaporized, right?) sam was still a retard, but at least he actually got to oldtown and fucking old town was incredible. reminded me so much of what the Lighthouse of Alexandria was purported to look like.

so much awesome in that episode, im just going to chillax, light up a bowl of good old virginia and kentucky pipe tobacco and watch me some silicon valley.

i accept all incoming zingers.