GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Trakanon Raider
I could imagine they do the shots where the wolves are and composite them in at a larger scale.


I have no idea why the wolves (that are left (I guess just one +Nymira) aren't included more. It's a non-issue, just odd from a story perspective.


Trakanon Raider
Nymeria's storyline in the books is very interesting. One of the few side stories that is intriguing. She's got like a huge, huge pack of super wolves and they hunt humans now. It's pretty funny I guess, considering Arya.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I did like thee conversation betweed Jamie and Walder. Walder was talking like he and Jamie were basically the same. Jamie just got disgusted by the thought that he was anything like WF. Another point in the turning to the light column. Add to that when he returns to KL, now he has some life choices to make.
Melisandre meets up with Jaime before the Night King and WW's come south of the Wall to wreck shit. Restores his hand somehow. Jaime rushes in to save Brienne and the rest of the world. This ensues.

Full page in the White Book confirmed.


Nymeria's storyline in the books is very interesting. One of the few side stories that is intriguing. She's got like a huge, huge pack of super wolves and they hunt humans now. It's pretty funny I guess, considering Arya.
Yeah, the book storyline is really interesting. I'm excited to see how it comes into play. FM/assassin of kings/queens Arya + massive wolf pack.

Melisandre meets up with Jaime before the Night King and WW's come south of the Wall to wreck shit. Restores his hand somehow. Jaime rushes in to save Brienne and the rest of the world. This ensues.

Full page in the White Book confirmed.
Interesting. I have no idea.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
The bit about the valonqar was left out of Maggy's prophecy, maybe because they wanted to limit how much the book readers could spoil for the rest.
I suspect they left it out because at the time they shot the flashback scene they weren't ready to commit to that being how Cersei goes out. They may have had other plans or they may have just wanted to leave the potential for other plans there.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
It's from one of the earliest bran chapters of Game of Thrones, ie Book 1. it's a vision he has when he's in a coma immediately after being pushed out of the window.
Some bonus irony points went to Jaime when his youngest son killed himself by jumping out of a window.


<Bronze Donator>
hodj_sl said:
I think the Twins is a likely location for a major battle against the Undead marching south towards King's Landing, due to it being smack in the middle and the last major bottleneck between the North and the Capitol.

So the Freys may still have a role to play down the road.
The twins are not a bottleneck heading south, they are not on the kings road. The only time the twins mattered geographically is when Robb Stark wanted to sneak his main army down around the main lannister army which was parked along the king's road. And even then the twins bridge only mattered because they were racing against time (Ned was still alive and a prisoner), otherwise they could of just forded the river anywhere else where it wasn't as wide.

If you recall (they did this in both the books and in the show) Robb sends a small contingent of 2k forces as a feint attack at Tywin's main forces, while the bulk of his army crossed at the twins, and snuck around and destroyed Jaime's forces, taking jaime prisoner.



Log Wizard
60 episodes so far that have represented 4 years in 60 hours screen time. So thats:

365days x 4 years = 1,460 days have passed in 60 episodes.

Each episode is roughly 24 days of time averaged.

Plenty of time for ol' Sneaky Pete to get around and Varys to come back in 48 days time.


<Bronze Donator>
where do you get "represented 4 years" from?

60 episodes, 6 seasons, represents 6 years pretty much.


I think Arya will bump into one or 2 of her shitlist next season, the red woman was on the list and Beric and Thoros. I think beric and Thoros will be spared because the hound is with them, but the red woman should be a sweet kill for Arya. I highly doubt Aray will get to kill Cersei, i think that is going to be Jaime.

Dany will divide the seven kingdoms into 3 parts. Much easier to maintain, much easier to control. Jon rules the north, the vale and the riverlands and also everything beyond where the wall used to be (i am convinced that thing will be destroyed next season) Dany rules kings landing, the reach, the stormlands and dorne, and Yara will rule the iron islands and the lannister territory. The kings and queens will govern their parts and report to Dany who takes residence in kings landing. The small council will come together every now and then, consisting of King Jon and his hand Sansa, Queen Yara and her hand Theon and Dany with Tyrion. Varys will become ruler of mereen also as a small council member for Dany. LF will get to rule the ashes of his own funeral pyre.

To add something else... Jon is being called an oathbreaker for deserting the night's watch...but technically he has been relieved of his duty's and oath because:

"Night gathers, and now my watch begins.It shall not end until my death.I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory.I shall live and die at my post.I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the dawn, the horn that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all the nights to come."

He did die, and so his watch did end. In my eyes he is free to do WTF he wants.


<Bronze Donator>
you've been blocked by rerolled? can't post anything or I get this error page

except for the above?


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Cersei is the next major character to go. Should happen by mid next season as the deck is soooo stacked against her right now. I like the idea of Dany allowing for the separate kingdoms so to speak. But there's no way that Tyrion doesn't get to inherit Casterly Rock. Jaime will likely become a true knight and forgo such things.

But I somehow doubt Dany will let him be a Kingsguard again. So he'll probably die fighting the WW.


Blackwing Lair Raider
To add something else... Jon is being called an oathbreaker for deserting the night's watch...but technically he has been relieved of his duty's and oath because:

"Night gathers, and now my watch begins.It shall not end until my death.I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory.I shall live and die at my post.I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the dawn, the horn that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all the nights to come."

He did die, and so his watch did end. In my eyes he is free to do WTF he wants.
Yeah, but how many people know/believe he died? I don't think its common knowledge that people know that he died. I get that impression from Jon's parlay with Ramsay, when Jon challenges him to 1v1 combat. Ramsay says "I've heard stories about you", I was expecting him to say something about he heard Jon was stabbed in the back by his brothers and brought back from the dead/how can he challenge someone who cheated death, but he just mentions Jon's swordsmanship skills.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Next season will open and she will be a foot taller more than likely ;p
That would be awesome, it won't be so weird then when she armors up like her sisters and mother, grabs a bigass Valyrian steel mace and defeats the army of the dead AND the White Walkers by herself while giving stern, rousing speeches.