GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Molten Core Raider
Queen of Thorns and The Bastard of Bolton.

Now the series is finally getting good again after the lull that is the Robb Stark Adventures.


Queen of Thorns and The Bastard of Bolton.

Now the series is finally getting good again after the lull that is the Robb Stark Adventures.
As soon as it was clear he was going to fall for that woman like an idiot I was done with Robb. It was clear he was just determined to fuck everything up from then on and we may as well skip the rest of his scenes until the Red Wedding.


Molten Core Raider
Bolton's men being the ones that capture Jaime is going to lead to an interesting plot change when it comes to the red wedding. Tywin isnt going to make a deal with Roost that leads to his involvement in the red wedding if his men are the ones who chop off Jaime's hand. Perhaps in the show the Frey's will be acting alone in the bloodiest bedding ever seen on TV.

Also a small thing I have not seen mentioned anywhere. Anyone else find it strange that ghost isnt with Jon, but showed back up in EP 1 with the surviving crows and nothing is said about it at all?


Karazhan Raider
i agree with ender. book geeks might say this or that (myself included, more or less, i haven't read all of it... yet) but this ain't the books.

the fight between brienne & jaime broke out swift & awesomely, i thought jaime would put up more of a fight. the bran stuff was rather curt and mysterious.


i agree with ender. book geeks might say this or that (myself included, more or less, i haven't read all of it... yet) but this ain't the books.

the fight between brienne & jaime broke out swift & awesomely, i thought jaime would put up more of a fight. the bran stuff was rather curt and mysterious.
For what its worth, I have read all the books and I thought this episode was very well done, all around.


After last week's episode I wished with little hope for confrontations between actors and characters that are unlikely to happen, but Lady Olenna and Tyrion are in the same place! Make it happen!


Irenicus did nothing wrong
The Olenna Tyrell was perfect. I also liked the Margery/Joeffrey crossbow scene. I hated his character in the first two seasons but he's coming into his own in this season.
Yeah I really liked Margaery and Joffrey, even though it seems like it's leading up to a rather different relationship between the two compared to what little we saw of it in the books. When reading, I got the impression they were just actually worried about Joffrey being a little shit and how they'd deal with it, whereas in the show it seems more like they were trying to gauge his true personality so Margaery could play into it and manipulate him by acting like she gets off on the psychotic killer power trip thing. They're really playing up Margaery's ability to manipulate those around her and project a different image depending on what she needs to gain power, it's pretty cool, compared to being pretty much limited to subtext in the books.


Molten Core Raider
Enjoyed the episode overall, going to be weird seeing Iwan Rheon from Misfits play Ramsay Bolton though. The fight scene was was a bit meh since reading the books, unless you read the books you wouldnt know that Jaime would of been the obvious winner had he not been severly weakened with his hands tied.


has an outie
Really good episode that sets up quite a bit. I loved it. Not to mention the scenery is amazing in this, god I love this show so much.

I half expect that Jaime will make comments to Brienne that he could've won if he hadn't been starved, etc in the next episode to make up for the lack of inner dialogue the books featured.


Enjoyed the episode. The Olenna scene was great, too bad she couldnt have he fat fool singer there too to scream/sing over them, I thought was was pretty neat in the books. Jack Gleeson playing Joffrey was great as always, I think he's nailed that part since day 1. Episode was a bit slow compared to previous/whats coming, but its all exposition for the things to come IE The hound with the brotherhood, both weddings ect. Pretty sure theyre going to introduce The Goat in the next episode when Jaime is brought to Harrenhal, that should be good.

Maybe its just me, but when Sansa said Joff is a monster, I swear I could see it in Olennas face: "Oh. Too bad I'll have to off the little fucker, oh well." Very well done scene.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Bolton's men being the ones that capture Jaime is going to lead to an interesting plot change when it comes to the red wedding.
Bolton's men catching Jaime will fit fine with the books storyline. Vargo Hoat was in league with Bolton in the books(at least at the point where they let them into Harrenhal), so those could actually be The Brave Companions, just flying Bolton's flag.

I thought the episode was very good, but this is definitely the quickest hour in television. I really wish it was longer, but the fact it goes by so quickly, I think, speaks volumes about how well done and engrossing the show is.


Thoroughly enjoyed the episode as well. I feel like when they ignore or gloss over things from the book I can understand why about 90% of the time. The scene with Catelyn and Robbwife definitely could have been removed. I'd rather they spent more time with the Nights' Watch on the scene with the hound instead. I hope they don't get too heavy handed with the foreshadowing for Robb and Catelyn! That and Jaime's big changes are the main payoffs this season.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
Really good episode that sets up quite a bit. I loved it. Not to mention the scenery is amazing in this, god I love this show so much.
Yeah it really was, those forests Bran was running around gave me a nature-boner.

Beef Supreme_sl

Enjoyed the ep, but as this seaon goes along, it becomes ever more obvious that they will need more than 10 eps per season or they will need to increase the length of the episodes to something closer to 90 minutes.

Brienne vs Jaime was pretty awesome, even sans Kingslayer inner dialogue.

I think one of the main problems with this show is that since GRRM hasn't finished the series, the TV show doesn't "know" what they can remove because it might be uber-important later on.

Kubla Kas_sl

Something in the recap before the episode reminded me I meant to ask... Wasn't Ghost with Jon Snow with the wildlings in the books or am I misremembering? The way it stays with Night's Watch and rescues Tarly, I don't remember that happening like that.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Has HBO ever stated an official reason for doing 10 episode seasons? I can understand their shows tend to be more expensive to make've got to figure they're raking in money hand-over-fist with Game of Thrones. If ever there was a show that justified extending past the traditional 10 - 12 episodes, this is it (for both monetary and plot reasons).


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I enjoyed the episode. Hated the Cat part because of what Robert Baratheon reminded me of.

In the book, Jojen and Meera are with them before Winterfell gets sacked right? They hide in the crypts and escape with them don't they?