GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Blackwing Lair Raider
I'm sure most of this "outrage" is internet manufactured. It's very hard to take that many people actually giving a fuck credibly. They're just reacting to having been told that it's going to be "shocking" and having fun hamming up being "shocked".

I can credit book nerds having been angry about it 23 years ago when it was new. Those books ain't small. By the point you hit that you've invested some significant time into Martin and he just farts directly into your mouth.
-10 years, but yeah I agree.


privileged excrementlord
lol at Brown Murder.

"Red like the throatsplosion blood, black like the color of the dead boar, purple like the sparkly amethyst!" Yeah that last one fits great, like those balls in your mouth.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Eh, the extra manufactured shock value from changing the scene so that Robb's wife is both there and pregnant just so you can graphically stab her in the stomach is more than a little over the top. Feels like I'm watching WWF during the 90s with Kane and Undertaker shooting lightning bolts at each other.
I saw it as a way to sort of replace Cat clawing her own face to shreds, although I don't get the idea that her doing that would have been "too much" for HBO but stabbing a pregnant woman about 5 times in the stomach is okay.


Unelected Mod
I'm sure most of this "outrage" is internet manufactured. It's very hard to take that many people actually giving a fuck credibly.
Regardless of how long the books have been out, more people are watching the show than have read the books. If you are shocked that people would be outraged when a huge chunk of a popular show are killed off in a grotesque fashion, I'm not sure you understand how people work.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I saw it as a way to sort of replace Cat clawing her own face to shreds, although I don't get the idea that her doing that would have been "too much" for HBO but stabbing a pregnant woman about 5 times in the stomach is okay.
You can tell they're leaving out the facial damage due to CGI costs. Which is why Tyrion looks perfectly fine as opposed to say this



^^^ WTF happened to Riker?

I thought the Ayra/Hound interaction was great, when she so calmly told him how she was going to stab him through the eye he seemed to finally take her seriously, for a big lunk he has done pretty well with the role.


<Bronze Donator>
In the show there's 2 lannister armies, Jaime's and Tywins. Tywin's is near harrenhal (north of it actually, closer to the trident, they fall back to Harrenhal) and if they took the kings road they'd clash with his. jaime's is sieging Riverrun. Robb sends 2k men down the king's road to feint an attack against Tywin's army while he sneaks across the river and breaks the siege, capturing Jaime. That's why they cross the twins in season 1. Why they go back to the twins is completely different in the books than the TV show, and yeah the show dropped the ball on one particularly important bit that makes walking into obvious death trap slightly less stupid but it hardly matters now.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I saw it as a way to sort of replace Cat clawing her own face to shreds, although I don't get the idea that her doing that would have been "too much" for HBO but stabbing a pregnant woman about 5 times in the stomach is okay.
No, what they replaced it with is more shocking AND it has more impact with female viewers. Also, the way they handled the death of Cat in the show will really help setup Lady Stoneheart moreso than Cat going total bonkers. UnCat never struck me as crazy, just really pissed off and wanting to destroy anything even kinda related with RW and her loss of family.


Vyemm Raider
Some gems in those tweets, in between the outrage derp:

"If you get invited to a Game of Thrones-themed wedding this summer, don't go."

"If you're watching game of thrones tonight and you haven't yet read the series... You know nothing of pain, sweet summer child."

"The best way to read/watch Game of Thrones is to hate every character. That way the constant mass murder doesn't get you down."

"Game of Thrones has killed off more well-developed characters than exist in most other TV shows."

"tonight's episode of #gameofthrones was a barrel of laughs and by that i mean i wish i was dead"

"You know why the end credits had no music? The sound of your sobbing and sniffling is the music. "

"Another feel-good episode of Game of Thrones. That show is like a warm, comforting blanket. It just makes me happy, you know?"

"Was thinking of rewatching all of Game of Thrones after it ends next week But I'm not because I don't wanna see that damn episode ever again"

"Why doesn't George R.R. Martin use twitter? Because he killed all 140 characters." /groan

"Game of Thrones will really surprise people next year when in the ninth episodes they kill off actual viewers."

Ko Dokomo_sl

lol at Brown Murder.

"Red like the throatsplosion blood, black like the color of the dead boar, purple like the sparkly amethyst!" Yeah that last one fits great, like those balls in your mouth.
Purple like the color of Joffrey's face turned as he choked to death while Cersei looked on.


Cat got what was coming to her, but it's a bummer everyone else got got as well. Bitch was dumb to let Jaime go.
You don't think Robb did as well? The guy basically disrespected and slapped every one of his allies in the face; the Karstarks and Freys. Catelyn knew how much Robb fucked up by not marrying one of the Frey girls. You could see she knew it was a much bigger deal than Robb made it out to be every time the 3 of them were in the same room. I was pretty sure he was gonna get axed by someone pretty soon since he had burned all his bridges with no regard for anyone else, but obviously had no idea it would go down like it did.


Silver Knight of the Realm
IIRC he didn't need the Frey army so much as he needed to cross back over the Trident, but either way he needed to get back on good terms with Walder Frey. But when a situation looks like a trap, and your fucking dire wolf is warning you that it's a trap, I'm sure the best thing to do is just go on in and enjoy the feast and not tell your men to be on their guard or anything.



Bronze Knight of the Realm
I thought that shit was as well done as it possibly could be. They captured that shit really well, even knowing what was going to happen, I was still fairly shocked. The whole Talisa stabbing scene was a big old, 'fuck you book readers, think this couldn't get any worse? It just fucking did!'. My favorite moment of the night came from the Blackfish - when he is standing there during the wedding and is getting the eye from some of the ugly Frey daughters...just a split second I thought was hilarious, really encapsulated what the Blackfish is all about. The Blackfish also has the honor of having the best-timed piss in the history of television.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Was wondering if or when Rickon and Osha were going to split, wont even recognize Rickon in a few years time, may as well just use a new actor. Guess Martin has good reason for Rickon going to Skagos, thought they might keep them all together but I guess it would be more difficult to write a solution in the books now that Davos is after Rickon.


Molten Core Raider
Why is everyone surprised/arguing about Robb making a stupid decision to be caught completely unaware? Except for the surprise attack on Jaime Lannister his entire "reign" as King in the North was nothing but a string of stupid/poor decisions.