GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings

an accordion_sl

This show really needs a timeskip... I don't think we'd miss much that couldn't be shown in brief flashbacks.

I want to see the kingdoms begrudgingly working together because the nights watch got shit on (flashback), Stannis doing his own crazy thing (show a flashback of them meeting and Stannis telling them to fuckoff), Badass worg Bran,-EDITED OUT-, Daeny on a boat with a huge army of boats and older dragons... and whatever other story I forgot.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Pretty underwhelming finale. Was shocked they didn't show Joff getting married. I figured that would be a logical cap off to that storyline and set up the Marg as queen story for next season. Nothing really felt ... resolved? I guess is the best word. The entire season was about Stannis plotting to get the Iron Throne and now one letter and he's not jiving on that anymore. Dany is still just wondering around a desert freeing slaves in her wake. I guess massing an army. Jon just went down south and is now back where he began. Shay is still just hanging around Tyrion. Theon is still in captivity but maybe he'll get freed by his sister. The entire season was about Bran going north of the wall and finally he went north of the wall. Lannisters are still internally squabbling. The entire season was about Jamie getting back to King's landing and the final scene he's in King's landing.

I dunno this entire season felt like it was a bunch of not much happening. A ton of set up for, hopeful, pay off next season. If the death of Robb and Cat didn't happen it would have felt like this season was just one giant set up.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Look on the bright side: Dany doesn't have any Dothraki handmaidens anymore, which means there is only one person who can assist Dany with her "issue" during that one scene in the books ;P


A Mod Real Quick
Pretty underwhelming finale. Was shocked they didn't show Joff getting married. I figured that would be a logical cap off to that storyline and set up the Marg as queen story for next season. Nothing really felt ... resolved? I guess is the best word. The entire season was about Stannis plotting to get the Iron Throne and now one letter and he's not jiving on that anymore. Dany is still just wondering around a desert freeing slaves in her wake. I guess massing an army. Jon just went down south and is now back where he began. Shay is still just hanging around Tyrion. Theon is still in captivity but maybe he'll get freed by his sister. The entire season was about Bran going north of the wall and finally he went north of the wall. Lannisters are still internally squabbling. The entire season was about Jamie getting back to King's landing and the final scene he's in King's landing.

I dunno this entire season felt like it was a bunch of not much happening. A ton of set up for, hopeful, pay off next season. If the death of Robb and Cat didn't happen it would have felt like this season was just one giant set up.
The entire season was the red wedding. You can tell by watching their interviews with how much of a boner the writers had for that one scene.


Still a Music Elitist
This show really needs a timeskip... I don't think we'd miss much that couldn't be shown in brief flashbacks.

I want to see the kingdoms begrudgingly working together because the nights watch got shit on (flashback), Stannis doing his own crazy thing (show a flashback of them meeting and Stannis telling them to fuckoff), Badass worg Bran (show a flashback of what he did in the north), Daeny on a boat with a huge army of boats and older dragons... and whatever other story I forgot.
That sounds terrible. "Show a flashback of what he did in the North"? That sounds like it could easily be multiple books worth of material. The meticulous setup is what makes this show awesome.


Unelected Mod
I dunno this entire season felt like it was a bunch of not much happening. A ton of set up for, hopeful, pay off next season. If the death of Robb and Cat didn't happen it would have felt like this season was just one giant set up.
It really sounds like you watched a different show than I did. This season had...

1) Bran gaining the ability to take over animals, even a person in Hodor.
2) Jaime getting his hand cut off, then having a complete character transformation.
3) Jon falling in love with Ygritte, climbing the wall, then getting shot to shit by Ygritte.
4) Sansa Stark becoming Sansa Lannister
5) Tywin being a badass in kings landing
6) Dany going from not having an army, to sacking 2 cities and gaining a huge following.
7) The Night's Watch expedition to the north breaking up, with Craster and Lord Mormont dying.
8) The Red Wedding

Plenty of other shit I left out also.

So yeah, I don't know what fucking show you were watching, but GoT has more big shit happening and more shit going on than pretty much any show on tv ever.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
It really sounds like you watched a different show than I did. This season had...

1) Bran gaining the ability to take over animals, even a person in Hodor.
2) Jaime getting his hand cut off, then having a complete character transformation.
3) Jon falling in love with Ygritte, climbing the wall, then getting shot to shit by Ygritte.
4) Sansa Stark becoming Sansa Lannister
5) Tywin being a badass in kings landing
6) Dany going from not having an army, to sacking 2 cities and gaining a huge following.
7) The Night's Watch expedition to the north breaking up, with Craster and Lord Mormont dying.
8) The Red Wedding

Plenty of other shit I left out also.

So yeah, I don't know what fucking show you were watching, but GoT has more big shit happening and more shit going on than pretty much any show on tv ever.
Not that I disagree but I'll go over my thought process on all these:

1) Probably my own fault. It is apparent in book 2 that Bran can take over animals. Taking over Hodor was pretty cool but I guess since it was spelled out in book 2 it wasn't much a shock to me.
2) We didn't know anything about his character to transform. He got hardly any screen time in season 2. We were only shown one side of the story (generally the Ned Stark) in season 1 where Ned was trying to fuck with the Lannisters.
3) Yeah Jon went North, found a hot chick, lost her, and is back. Great.
4) She's still in King's Landing being an insufferable cunt. I was hoping the Littlefinger storyline would pan out.
5) Yep Tywin is great. But I don't know how that is really a something "happening."
6) But she's still on the other side of the world crowd surfing?
7) Forgot about that. I should have added that to the list.
8) By far the largest advancement.

I'm not saying the show is bad or anything. It is my second favorite show on TV at the moment. Maybe I was just used to the fast paced action of season 1 where shit was going down each and every episode and I just need to alter my standards.


Millie's Staff Member
a lot of good stuff happened this season, i will wholeheartedly agree that the season was too damned short. maybe it seems like there wasnt anything substantial because there are so many characters and storylines and they didnt seem to devote too much time to each character arc per episode. maybe next season they will add a few more. they really should have a 13-15 episode season.


Musty Nester
I kinda think it may only have 5 seasons. They needed to do something in that 10th episode. I'm not exactly sure WHAT they needed to do, but I know they didn't do it. And I'm not saying it's bad. E9 or E10 or the whole of S3. They're not bad. Shit, whatever. Dowton Abbey gets viewers and that's nothing but an expensive "period" soap opera. GoT will go 30 years as long as the costumes look nice.

What you remember about GoT going into a year long break is, "Oh yeah. That's that show where main characters just randomly get murdered or have their funbits cut off."


Am I the only one who really missed the scene under the wall with the weirwood door, Sam and Bran? I thought they were going to have that but nope.


I kinda think it may only have 5 seasons. They needed to do something in that 10th episode. I'm not exactly sure WHAT they needed to do, but I know they didn't do it. And I'm not saying it's bad. E9 or E10 or the whole of S3. They're not bad. Shit, whatever. Dowton Abbey gets viewers and that's nothing but an expensive "period" soap opera. GoT will go 30 years as long as the costumes look nice.

What you remember about GoT going into a year long break is, "Oh yeah. That's that show where main characters just randomly get murdered or have their funbits cut off."
I wouldn't say randomly. There was a lot of setup throughout the season for the Red Wedding.

On a side note: I don't know if I read it on here or somewhere else, but someone mentioned taking episode 9 as the season finale and episode 10 as an epilogue of sorts. This was my first season watching it week to week and it definitely felt like nothing happened by the end of the season. It wasn't until i recapped everything that I realized how much has happened (plus reading Khalid's synopsis a few posts ago).

Kind of reminded me of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows movie. They split it up in two, and the first one sort of dragged on with not much happening. It slowly built up to the second part which was basically lots of action. I'm not saying season 4 will be non-stop action, but I feel like I heard the showrunners say that they were splitting up book 3 into seasons 3 and 4. That gives me hope that all of this build-up is going to lead into some crazy stuff next season.


Millie's Staff Member
there was one harry potter moment this season that did make me kinda facepalm.
Jojen Reed: you're a warg, Bran
Hagrid: You're a wizard, Harry


Don't care the door didn't make it, but the existence (and width) of an open tunnel like that is implausible, that the writers don't care about such things doesn't do the series justice.


Registered Hutt
He always comes off weird in interviews. I can't tell if he's a hippie or a hipster.

Michael C. Hall comes off ultra weird in interviews.