GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings

Jive Turkey


That aesthetic won't fly . They need to keep it medieval or they'll become too niche. Medieval at least has a neutral, real world feel that the majority of viewers accept as not too jarring. Nobody will watch that show up there except huge nerds
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
On a different topic, do other GoT fans out in the world rage on the writing this season or are we just a small niche corner of the internet?

They showed the image of the Starbucks cup here on a TV show on monday evening at 6pm, before the episode had even officially aired in Europe (airs mondays 9pm here).

Basically borders no longer exist now when it comes to internet outrage and memes, it's all one big space now. We had our own little #metoo thing going here within days of it breaking in the US, also mostly involved TV and film producers and celebrities for some reason. The SJW nonsense spreads here within days too, often in articles that are obviously translated from english.


Potato del Grande
So who else thinks they had to have the northern army men start raping randomly because...reasons... just because they showed drothraki randomly mowing down woman and children and they didn't want to be called out racist. Even if one fits and the other really doesn't - I get there are some that are going to be like "rape time!" But not just every single one like a switch- while the horsemen going allahackbar, you know fits. The unsullied just killing and killing opposition with no regard also perfectly fits them.

They already had rapist northerners in one of the earlier seasons, just after or before the Red Wedding I think.


<Bronze Donator>
finally caved and read the spoilers

honestly, pretty much what i expected, minus the part about who ends up on the throne. had already guessed pretty much every other plot point.


Avatar of War Slayer
5000 years before GOT? So it takes place in a cave, with people who can barely speak, living with other bizarre species of humans, no iron weapons, and probably unable to even make fire. (I'm sure some faggot will tell me exactly when cavemen invented fire)

Yea yea, I know its a joke, but when you fuck up that bad on history...

5000 years ago for us was the Bronze age; Upper and Lower Egypt were unified into a single empire and Sumeria had a plethora of large cities, the largest is estimated to have 50,000 to 80,000 inhabitants.


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
4th generation US Army wartime veteran here, can confirm that I NEVER dropped pants and started raping while the opposing force was still fighting.

On a different topic, do other GoT fans out in the world rage on the writing this season or are we just a small niche corner of the internet?

Every person I know who watches it, all normies pretty much, are like wtf happened this season, nothing makes sense, etc. even the one apologist guy started to complain after the long night episode.

Aychamo BanBan

Yea yea, I know its a joke, but when you fuck up that bad on history...

5000 years ago for us was the Bronze age; Upper and Lower Egypt were unified into a single empire and Sumeria had a plethora of large cities, the largest is estimated to have 50,000 to 80,000 inhabitants.

I appreciate it, I'm going to have to do some reading. I kinda assumed in "Jesus" time, 2000 years ago, they barely had metals, with a pretty miserable life existence. But clearly I'm super wrong. I would never have guessed the bronze age was that far back. Fuck I need to go read!


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
They already had rapist northerners in one of the earlier seasons, just after or before the Red Wedding I think.

Brienne kills some Northerner soldiers who raped/killed a woman. It happens while she is escorting Jamie to KL
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
What if Bran wargs Dany and makes her full retard? I would stand up and clap.

I think I just want Bran to warg into SOMETHING BESIDES A FUCKING BIRD.

Warging Drogon is more "cool" so I hope that happens but things have gotten so ridiculous I'm cheering for a ridiculous ending. Dany being Hodor'd would be the apex of all possible outcomes for me.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
The spinoff show could be interesting if they can somehow subtlety tie in some of the elements from the original.

Or clear up some of the more nebulous lore concerning old Valaryia etc, and kind of frame the rise of the Targaryens.


Guys, most "fantasy" fiction world's exist in perma "middle ages" it's the entire damn point.

It's often easily explained in some settings due to its lack of scientists or education systems, magic being an overpowering system, or theological barriers. The interesting aspect of GoT in this respect is that with the maesters, there are scientists that wouldn't fully qualify as completely backwards to our standards. Mellisandre even describes one of her vials as something that sounds a lot like gunpowder, and there seems to be an extensive understanding of chemicals and their effects.

Obviously, the lack of technological advancement doesn't make much sense when analyzed too closely, but as said: It's how fantasy works.

One of the more enjoyable things about the setting to me is that Martin blended supernatural stuff with real world things almost seamlessly, without having one overpower the other.
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Millie's Staff Member
I appreciate it, I'm going to have to do some reading. I kinda assumed in "Jesus" time, 2000 years ago, they barely had metals, with a pretty miserable life existence. But clearly I'm super wrong. I would never have guessed the bronze age was that far back. Fuck I need to go read!
the world is much much older than we imagine. the pyramids are supposedly about 5000 years old and they are noob shit when it comes to the sites being found in Turkey. try 12000 years for Gobekli Tepe.
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What if Bran wargs Dany and makes her full retard? I would stand up and clap.

I think I just want Bran to warg into SOMETHING BESIDES A FUCKING BIRD.

Warging Drogon is more "cool" so I hope that happens but things have gotten so ridiculous I'm cheering for a ridiculous ending. Dany being Hodor'd would be the apex of all possible outcomes for me.

Bran obviously warged into Drogon and was the reason the city got nuked. He did this to impress his true love, Sansa, and would be heard to remark "the things I do for love" right before doing some sweet jumps off a ramp with his wheelchair.

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Jive Turkey

Or clear up some of the more nebulous lore concerning old Valaryia etc, and kind of frame the rise of the Targaryens.

One of the coolest shots in the whole series was Tyrion and Jorah paddling through the ruins of Valaryia as the dragon flew overhead. I'd be down for more of that
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Jive Turkey

Obviously, the lack of technological advancement doesn't make much sense when analyzed too closely, but as said: It's how fantasy works.

We also overestimate the rate of advancement in previous societies because of the rate we're currently at. 1000 years ago, you could fall asleep and wake up 200 years later and not notice much of a difference. Today, you couldn't wake up 10 years later without being overwhelmed with new technology.