GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Unelected Mod
Jorah put her unborn child at risk by reporting on her. What do you think she normally would have done to someone that did that? In case you are unsure, hopefully you didn't miss Barristan supervising the removal of the 163 bodies she crucified for hurting children that weren't even hers. Jorah got off lucky.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
You mean the baby she literally sacrifices with out a moments thought?

So the Arya laugh was funny poor girl. But it should not matter her cousin is Lord of the Vale and still lives.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Regarding that video on the choreography, I'm always amazed at the details in this show. Watching it last night I didn't notice any of it, but Oberyn's spear was incredibly badass looking up close. And I know people have posted wardrobe pictures in these threads for previous seasons and the shit they've made is just stunningly detailed.


Who specifically are you referring to?
He's countering my point about Dany dismissing Jorah by pointing out how good Selmy is at killing people. He's never ruled, he's only served. Same for the slaves and the sellsword. You can howl at me all you want, but Dany does not have an easy road with Jorah gone. It is known (by everyone who's actually read the books).


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Killing people doesn't mean you know fuck all about ruling. Jorah was a Lord and the only advisor she has with ruling experience.


Life's a Dream
There is no getting off. The doors are locked, bitch.

We're just going to be loyal followers until the journey is over.


Murder Apologist
Emilia's portrayal of Jorahs dismissal seems to have a LOT more impact with people who didn't read the books actually. I normally like the nervous poise thing she does but I thought her barely held back rage was a little weird too... But I noticed my brother in law and his gf were seriously on edge during that scene, muttering 'nononono' lol. They thought dany was about to do something horrific to Jorah since she refused to look at him in that scene.

Obviously we know she wasn't gonna crucify him or have him poisoned or accuse him of getting drogo killed, but non-readers are now conditioned to expect the worst in the show and if the producers wanted Emilia to milk that effect then it seems like she stuck it.


Buzzfeed Editor
Yeah I think you guys are kind of whitewashing Jorah's actual "ruling" experience. He was the nominal head of a minor house for a short period of time, during which time he ran it into financial ruin and engaged in the slave trade. I am not sure what experience you guys imagine he provides to Dany that will be so difficult to do without.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Well her rule completely falls apart when he leaves. Take that as you will .


Trakanon Raider
Ser Friendzone is loyal, but that's pretty much all he has going for him. He knows Westerosi custom and has a passing knowledge of warfare, both of which Dany can get from others.


Molten Core Raider
They skipped the part from the books where Gregor kills a boy during the duel. Good episode though. Glad my wish was answered with seeing messandei or whatever her name is naked.

Looking forward to jorah and tyrion scenes next season.


The Mountain is hopefully dead anyway. As much as I'd love for The Hound to get one back on him, Prince Oberyn is a master of poisons (episode 3), we see that squire wiping his blades probably laced with the stuff - that and Arya giving the mention to a true killer would happily use poison just earlier on. But I guess the law only counts who gets killed first, so.

What was with Sansa in that last shot of hers - completely black, even her hair? Please tell me she hasn't dyed it what the hell. They make a point of her hair standing out so vividly in scenes like that snow castle, I guess this is her being portrayed as no longer a girl but some player too - given her testimonial.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Jorah was a decorated knight that made a name for himself in the Greyjoy rebellion. He's no Barristan but he's no chump either.


Buzzfeed Editor
If decorated knights is what we're after, she's already got that. Heylel pretty much nailed it, his value to Dany lied mostly in his bordering-on-creepy loyalty. Which was completely destroyed with the revelation that he was not really loyal after all.


Trakanon Raider
She has it braided differently, but I'm fairly sure the hair thing is just the back lighting.


Trakanon Raider
I've read a couple of reviews of this past episode, and between it and the no spoilers thread it sounds like an awful lot of people are genuinely expecting Tyrion to die. I guess all those prior deaths has made people assume the worst.

Next year is going to feel like a hard reset with all the political intrigue in Mereen, Tyrion's journey and (hopefully) the Connington storyline.


Murder Apologist
Lotsa Dorne next season apparently. Going by casting and locations.

Question is whether we would see Sansa at all next season. If we do it would be a total of maybe 20 minutes across all 10 episodes of her and baelish touring the vale and picking off suitors. TWOW would have to be released next year with a shit ton of Sansa chapters to move her story enough for even a season. They'll probably make up some alternate Sansa scenes and just use it for extra exposition/flashback and setup for Connington or even the Tower of Joy/Howland Reed.

Same with Brienne actually... IF they pulled a fast one and had Michelle Fairley do a quick cameo this season as Lady Stoneheart (no IMDB credit) in THIS season then they'd only have maybe two episodes left of Brienne next season before they catch up to her in ADWD. The next time we see Brienne it's in ADWD and she's playingsome kinda scam on Jaime to lure him into a trap.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
If decorated knights is what we're after, she's already got that. Heylel pretty much nailed it, his value to Dany lied mostly in his bordering-on-creepy loyalty. Which was completely destroyed with the revelation that he was not really loyal after all.
She had no appreciation for his reversal though. He came to her with the agenda to get a pardon, but in the process became completely devoted to her. She can't see in his head but in actuality he was probably the most loyal person in her retinue.