GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Seriously. I'm not sure how some people are interpreting Arya leaving The Hound to die as some sort or mercy or forgiveness. Showing him mercy would be putting him out of his misery. Leaving him to bleed out or slowly die to infection when he was begging her to kill him is the most fucked up and cruel thing she could've done.
Exactly. She could have easily stabbed him through the heart and shown a tear roll down her cheek to convey her caring about him and that she forgave him. Instead she walked off with zero fucks given. They even set up the scene with her saying that he was on her list.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I took it different when I read it. He was on her list. Now that he DOES want her to kill him, she decides not to give him a merciful death which is all she can do to fulfill her revenge. I was kinda glad they left it true to what happened in the book.


Toe Sucker


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Interesting scoop. Honestly I have no issue with that book change if they go that route and it still leaves them enough flexibility to pursue the Oldtown bit if they chose to down the line.


<Bronze Donator>
i saw it as doing GRRM a favor, if they kill off hound on screen it insinutes itself that hound is definitely dead in the books. they have already killed off several book characters on the show that are still alive in the books, but none of them are as important as sandor. so yeah they left it open ended and yeah i think they made arya look like a cold blooded cunt on purpose (due to her decision to become a faceless men) even though it doesnt jibe too well with their budding friendship to that point. remember, he was still on arya's list up until then, so she probably thought by not killing him it meant she was leaving his destiny up to the gods even though he deserved to die.
Except she doesn't decide to become a faceless man, she just walks off. When she reaches saltpans her first thought and question to the captain is can he take her to jon.

Im not a book purist i regularly defend changes in the adaptation, the only thing i expect is for the show to remain consistent with itself. This is another example of it not doing so. Since they changed the relationship, which im fine with it added tons of great scenes and the hound killed it, they ended up changing the context in that scene a great deal. Just wish they had the balls to keep that going instead of trying to marry it back up to the book scene. Its slightly jarring, but not that big a deal, just a minor squabble i have with the show.

Edit: another change they could of made, if they intended for arya to come off as heartless and cold blooded as she did, is simply changing the saltpans scene:
Arya walks up to the captain.
"hello little girl" in braavosi accent
"where are you headed?"
"home little girl, to braavos, away from this crazyness in westeros"
"valar morghulis" as she non-chalantly flips the coin to the captain. Queue sunglasses appearing and sliding down into position on her face. Etc


Blackwing Lair Raider
Exactly. She could have easily stabbed him through the heart and shown a tear roll down her cheek to convey her caring about him and that she forgave him. Instead she walked off with zero fucks given. They even set up the scene with her saying that he was on her list.
There is no doubt that what she did was cold. I don't think she forgave him or else she would have ended his suffering quickly, I just think she realized he wasn't worth being on her list. I don't remember exactly how the chicken fight went down, but wasn't the first person she killed already dying when she ended his life? If she was just being cruel she could have let him suffer too, but no she wanted him dead by her hands.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Nothing is more entertaining than a few people endlessly debating something that nobody really knows the answer to. The motivations of a fictional character for example. It's awesome.


Life's a Dream
Frodo absolutely motherfucked Sam after the Ring Wraiths appeared. He knew he shouldn't have, but he did it anyway. So selfish.


Trump's Staff
Im not a book purist i regularly defend changes in the adaptation, the only thing i expect is for the show to remain consistent with itself. This is another example of it not doing so. Since they changed the relationship, which im fine with it added tons of great scenes and the hound killed it, they ended up changing the context in that scene a great deal. Just wish they had the balls to keep that going instead of trying to marry it back up to the book scene.
The only thing that changed is your interpretation of their relationship. Arya always hated the Hound; every time she thought he did something decent, he did something fucked up to remind her of who he was. She never forgot that he was on her list and she stayed thematically consistent by not giving him what he wanted in the end.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
The only thing that changed is your interpretation of their relationship. Arya always hated the Hound; every time she thought he did something decent, he did something fucked up to remind her of who he was. She never forgot that he was on her list and she stayed thematically consistent by not giving him what he wanted in the end.
This is as good an explanation as I've ever seen.

I think as an audience it's easy to empathize with retribution when it's done to unlikable characters. But when it's done to cool characters we can find all kinds of ways that a psychotic revenge-seeking girl is morally inconsistent.

Burnem Wizfyre

Log Wizard
Nothing is more entertaining than a few people endlessly debating something that nobody really knows the answer to. The motivations of a fictional character for example. It's awesome.
Which is why I'm not going to argue with Abefroman over ambiguity that is CLEARLY there over her motivations.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I really think she didn't want to admit to him that she couldn't yet bring herself to kill him. I don't think she wants to be a faceless man yet, she still wants to be a water dancer.


Avatar of War Slayer
So, for those that will probably not read the books, don't Wiki dead characters on the show to see what you missed from the books. Seriously, don't.