I loved the Merc store. it was so very comicbooky. very goofy and campy.
its not a previously established comic thing if anyone was wondering. The girl is this shows version of Firefly. No relation to any of the comic versions really.
First version of Firefly. DC's Mysterio.
Garfield Lynns- Visual effects expert, down and out. Uses visual effects to commit crimes.
second version.
Ted Carson- wealthy heir gambles away money. uses high tech gadgets to commit crimes.
post crisis.
Garfield Lynns. now a pyrotechnic FX expert for movies. down and out, and commits crimes. Develops pyromania, becomes an arsonist, goes crazy.
new 52. Ted Carson this time again. A school teacher, uses arson to get back with his ex-gf. murders Garfield Lynns in an attempt to frame him for the arson.