Gov't Regulation for Games Discussion- DLC related


Trakanon Raider
LoL isnt gambling, you spend riot points or currency you earned playing the game to purchase the exact thing you want. Same thing in PoE.
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F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Soooo... Starcraft 2? :)

No. Because each Starcraft 2 game had a complete story mode from a full development cycle. 29 campaign missions in the first. 20 in the second. 23? In the 3rd. Also, the last 2 releases were not full price at launch. $39.99 for the standard edition for both.


Trakanon Raider
Mystery skins are not the same as spending $60 on a game that requires you to buy all other components of the game separately in order to get the advertised experience.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Well from an article posted in the actual Battle Front II thread here, ( EA's day of reckoning is here after 'Star Wars' game uproar, $3 billion in stock value wiped out ) it sounds like consumers have done a pretty good job of self regulation. I'd have to say they'd much rather have more people actually buy the game then a limited number who will just afk credit their way to loot boxes...

Still not sure where exactly I stand on the idea of government stepping in, mainly because I just think they suck at these kinds of things in technology. But I am definitely happy to see that so far, the consumers seem to be speaking out against this crap.
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Potato del Grande
Mystery skins are not the same as spending $60 on a game that requires you to buy all other components of the game separately in order to get the advertised experience.

Mystery skins/hextech stuff is literally rng cash boxes just like the gambling in other games mtx. PoE has them too.


<Gold Donor>
The entire SWBF2 thing was way overblown IMO. Loot crates and star cards are not P2W. Star cards are simply a way to change the way your character plays. the shit that really matters to player power, like guns and attachments, all have to be still played for. As to the progression in that game, which everyone is bitching about now, Is fine. Even a mediocre player like me, which never bought a single god damn thing in that game and usually scores on the bottom 1/2 of the scoring list, has pretty much every gun opened up for every class minus some of the attachments. You mean to tell me that getting 250 kills is a hard thing to do? I mean come on its a fucking game where you kill shit. The other side of the coin is Destiny 2, where they pretty much throw fucking loot at you, and people bitch there is nothing to do, where is my god damn content? See the fucking dilemma here?

Now im not saying that EA is not a scummy company, we all know their history. But IMO all this shit was way overblown up by shit reddit, which 3/4 of the fucks never played the game and have no clue what a star card is and what it does. If youre a shit player no amount of star cards and purples will ever help you. You will still suck and still lose and you will never play that darth vader or luke you bitch about not having opened up yet because EA sucks, lol.
  • 5Picard
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<Gold Donor>
Oh and as to regulations? keep that shit out of my games. Government already fucks with too much, keep their filthy crooked corrupt fingers away from my games.
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FoH nuclear response team
Oh and as to regulations? keep that shit out of my games. Government already fucks with too much, keep their filthy crooked corrupt fingers away from my games.

Tell your EA overlords to keep their crooked corrupt fingers away from my games.

The biggest problem with this is I now have to work harder to enjoy something meant to be fun. Now what if all companies and products start doing this? Trying to watch the new Infinity War Movie, sorry, there is a pause every 5 mins where you have to swipe your credit card to get rid of the blank CGI actor and actually see Spider Man. This shit is getting worse and it's becoming increasingly hard to do anything fun for a reasonable price. All the while these shitheads just keep stacking money in their banks.

This is literally the only thing I can afford to do for myself and they're taking all that away too because some fuckhead at the top has to make his 20 million bonus at the end of the year. I have already had to sell my race car, my nice daily and now you want to take this away from me too because it's "not that bad", go fuck yourself. This is the kind of shit that pushes people to kill, take everything from a man and all he's going to have left is hate and anger.
  • 2Solidarity
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Potato del Grande
So you think the government should intervene and force companies to provide a product that meets your every desire because you want it to? Got any examples of a game that actually works like your Infinity War example? How about the fact that television has commercial breaks every 3 minutes?

What about the people who want to drive ferraris and lambos but can't afford them. Should the government intervene and force them to provide them at a price point you can afford so you can get your enjoyment at a reasonable price? How about restaurants? Should I be able to eat a 5star meal at some fancy shmancy place that is $300+ per person at a reasonable affordable price for me (which is closer to $3 per person)? It's just greedy ceos who want to stack money in their banks in these cases, too.
  • 2Picard
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<Gold Donor>
Tell your EA overlords to keep their crooked corrupt fingers away from my games.

The biggest problem with this is I now have to work harder to enjoy something meant to be fun. Now what if all companies and products start doing this? Trying to watch the new Infinity War Movie, sorry, there is a pause every 5 mins where you have to swipe your credit card to get rid of the blank CGI actor and actually see Spider Man. This shit is getting worse and it's becoming increasingly hard to do anything fun for a reasonable price. All the while these shitheads just keep stacking money in their banks.

This is literally the only thing I can afford to do for myself and they're taking all that away too because some fuckhead at the top has to make his 20 million bonus at the end of the year. I have already had to sell my race car, my nice daily and now you want to take this away from me too because it's "not that bad", go fuck yourself. This is the kind of shit that pushes people to kill, take everything from a man and all he's going to have left is hate and anger.

This is literally the stupidest thing I have read in a long time.

Hurr, the new ea controllers have credit card swipe slot, hurr.

Dont buy their shit then, problem solved. Keep obamas ass away from video games.
  • 1Solidarity
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FoH nuclear response team
This is literally the stupidest thing I have read in a long time.

Hurr, the new ea controllers have credit card swipe slot, hurr.

Dont buy their shit then, problem solved. Keep obamas ass away from video games.

I don't buy their shit...

It's that stupid huh, well we never expected this to happen so it must not be that dumb.

No I don't think they should intervene, but we shouldn't have companies trying to fuck us in the ass. What other solution is there? We still have asshats like you buying the games.
  • 1Worf
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Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
So it's ok for them to implement gambling in their MTX because they need to make a living but it's not ok if they're charging for the base game too because then they're just robbing all the children of the world who have credit cards?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but F2P MTX generally do not let you trade the items obtained through random means to other people. That's not really gambling (sorta! but not really and not likely to be enforced). But if there's a FTP where you can trade the items you get through direct purchases of strong boxes where the item you get is unpredictable and a complete unknown and trade it to others for anything of value, it is most certainly gambling.

Whether or not it will be enforced or not is questionable, but it looks like its starting to be, and quite frankly it should be.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
The entire SWBF2 thing was way overblown IMO. Loot crates and star cards are not P2W. Star cards are simply a way to change the way your character plays. the shit that really matters to player power, like guns and attachments,


Star cards increase power and substantially decrease cool downs. I suggest you do more research on this. Guns and other bullshit have nothing to do with it. And the P2W foundations were always hidden underneath the Star Card dismantling system to create higher end cards - which people would buy, to dismantle, to be able to create the ones they wanted. I have seen people with 3 epic purple star cards rape everyone in the damn game. This is public knowledge.

The Hero shit was just a planned distraction. Everyone knows it. Game is up. Good bye 3.1 Billion. And Good Riddance Battlefront 2 and anything "Dice" or "Bioware" touch in the future.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Oh and as to regulations? keep that shit out of my games. Government already fucks with too much, keep their filthy crooked corrupt fingers away from my games.

Hey I agree with this one. We can just watch as these companies gut themselves. Gaming consumers just proved we aren't mindless drones buying whatever shit is shat out. And this one bit EA so hard in the ass that Mickey is still plugged half way up there trying to get out.
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FoH nuclear response team

Star cards increase power and substantially decrease cool downs. I suggest you do more research on this. Guns and other bullshit have nothing to do with it. And the P2W foundations were always hidden underneath the Star Card dismantling system to create higher end cards - which people would buy, to dismantle, to be able to create the ones they wanted. I have seen people with 3 epic purple star cards rape everyone in the damn game. This is public knowledge.

The Hero shit was just a planned distraction. Everyone knows it. Game is up. Good bye 3.1 Billion. And Good Riddance Battlefront 2 and anything "Dice" or "Bioware" touch in the future.

He's too busy to research, he's crushing plebs with P2W Vader.
  • 4Worf
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<Gold Donor>
I have the game and play it. You dont know shit either. I suggest you research this. Dismantling cards? LOL? More reddit tier stupidity.


Potato del Grande
Correct me if I'm wrong, but F2P MTX generally do not let you trade the items obtained through random means to other people. That's not really gambling (sorta! but not really and not likely to be enforced). But if there's a FTP where you can trade the items you get through direct purchases of strong boxes where the item you get is unpredictable and a complete unknown and trade it to others for anything of value, it is most certainly gambling.

Whether or not it will be enforced or not is questionable, but it looks like its starting to be, and quite frankly it should be.

And i'm fine with that. CS:GO boxes probably being the type of thing you are talking about? I'm assuming Shadow of War mtx stuff wasn't tradeable, along with 99.9% of the other dlc stuff that people like utnayan/hekotat/palum/vaclav want the government to actually do something about. Has anyone on these boards even badmouthed shit like the CS:GO boxes/gambling or is it all just butthurt about EA and their bros ruining their hobby/beloved franchies/etc.? I've seen a whole lot of the 2nd and not much of the first.


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
LoL isnt gambling, you spend riot points or currency you earned playing the game to purchase the exact thing you want. Same thing in PoE.

I'm not familiar with LoL but Zombie asked me about it earlier, and if this is the case (like PoE) it's def not gambling.

Gambling must involve an unknown, unpredictable occurrence. A chance play. A pull of a slot in such a way the player cannot influence the outcome. If the player can influence the outcome, it becomes more technical - some states for example require the skill simply be 51% and chance 49% (dominant factor / material element) but others require skill completely overcome the chance and that chance play no part whatsoever in the outcome ("Any chance" states... Florida, Louisiana, etc)