Grand Theft Auto V


Watcher of Overs
I won the open wheel car at the casino!

It actually has downforce, or feels like it does anyway. I need some kind of wheel or something analog.


Watcher of Overs
There's a hacker dropping cages on everyone haha, then spawning big explosions. I'm in a building so it doesn't hurt me.


Earlier I finally made it through lamar's first mission. They are super difficult because if anyone dies you fail the mission and people usually instantly bail. If they'd stay you can restart in stages but none of the tards that play this are patient enough to wait 10 seconds (instead they inflict a minute of loading on themselves so they can get out instantly). It requires 4 people so your odds are not good. I think it took about 20 attempts.


Watcher of Overs
Finally getting 4 people together to do the heists. Really fun! Good money too.

The golf game is actually really good too!


Watcher of Overs
So much of the game is gated behind public sessions, basically making you unwilling food for people with hacks or crazy vehicles.

But people have developed several solutions that let you make public sessions just for your friends with a whitelist type mechanism. Pretty cool! Tech solutions for retard design decisions.

We are going to try one called Guardian today. Makes me think of Ultima.


Watcher of Overs
Worked well, we were able to do those resupply missions for the various factories (guns, cash printers etc)


This cracked me up, my hair on the outside of the ski mask:


Watcher of Overs
Did the casino heist last night. It was brutal. We didn't prepare right at first so tons of guards with full armor.

After failing horribly a dozen times we bailed, grabbed another friend and did alot more preparation. Weakened the guards and their supplies, got some extra drills for the safety deposit boxes etc. And it was alot easier with a 4th person.

Just in time for the new stuff! There's some party island expansion today. Was about 9 jigglybytes. Haven't looked at it yet.

Now that we have that private superpublic stuff working, I've been getting more into the moneymaking businesesseeses. During a resupply mission for arms they gave us this Jeremy Clarkson special hahaahah:

It didn't sink!


Watcher of Overs
The new island is kinda cool. Sort of a party island run by a drug lord. There's a lot of prep work and sneaking about. You get there via an old russian sub.

The actual fighting once you get in there for the plunder is really frustrating. It isn't a jungle or anything but it reminded me alot of being in nam. Every bush has bullets flying out of it. I was constantly spinning around just trying to see where the hell I was being shot from.

The AI seem to have no trouble seeing or shooting through that stuff and they just walk into it. They also seem to just spawn forever. If you go slowly and safely and kill everything they just keep coming.

There are no directions. It is very much a plan-your-own thing. There's a crapton of loot all over and your bag space is quite limited. I wonder if they will start selling bigger bags on the funny money store :D

It seems like the kind of mission people will eventually figure out a best-path route. Like what the best thing to stuff in your bags is in a space-value ratio.


Watcher of Overs
We've got the Epstein island heist down really well now. Sneak in and cap the guards silently and fill up bags and swim to a submarine.


The doomsday heist was brutal. Had some great moments but some equally terrible ones. During one of the preps they send some tough opponents and have a little scene for them arriving. You come out of the scene moved out of whatever cover you were in, in the open and just get shredded before you can get to cover.

Every other mission had some flaw like that, then the next mission would be great / hilarious.

I've tried out most of the businesses now. Guns has the biggest delivery payday. Coke is kind of crap, cash is crapper. Cars may be crappiest I'm not sure yet.


Steal and sell 2 fancy supercars worth 700k + ? You get 71 grand! And that doesn't even show the 30ish in fees I payed before that.


With all the upgrades purchased you can just hop by every few hours and buy supplies for 75 grand. That gets you a full load of supplies. Doing the missions gets about 40% and takes awhile. I usually would rather just spend the money, though the missions are often good.

Deliveries for cash are super boring. Coke deliveries sometimes give you a terrible postal van that has awful speed and make you climb hills. Guns have crazy deliveries, some seem impossible without having 2 or 3 people helping out. But a full bar on an upgraded bunker gets you a solid million.

Still mainly just enjoying the random moments. Friend parking a chopper and waiting on your parachute to land and from on high you see a train plow into the chopper and blow it up (he was on the tracks).

Disbanding my motorcycle club so a friend can start his... but we were in a club chopper at the time flying. Both of us bail out of the chopper and fall to our deaths. I laughed till I cried.

The guardian stuff we use to make publics without asshats also greatly speeds up the usual network goblinry. Joining and leaving and loading are still terrible, but about 5x faster than usual.


Watcher of Overs
Merry Christmas! I won another car from the casino. It has a bunch of switches on the inside so maybe one of those touring car racers?



Watcher of Overs

This car is amazing:

It is an old muscle car, supercharged with driver controlled dual miniguns on the roof. You can get rockets for the front and mortars for the rear but you don't really need them as the miniguns chew through everything. The only weakness is that it can't fire up very well so choppers are a pain.

I also bought a cargobob:

It's a big slow cargo lifter, only they didn't like people lifting supplies and deliveries and stolen cars with it so the hook won't actually lift anything you want it to lift now. You also can't open the back and drive in bikes, they put an invisible wall in the ramp. Why? Who the hell knows. Of all the thousands of broken things they decided to spend their time making useful things useless. Dunno?

Apparently they did the same for the big cargo plane. These cargo lifters were the only possible way to do some of the business missions with 2 people. If you have a business in the north that gives you deliveries in the city, and you get postal vans, you are completely screwed. There's no way you'll even make it over the hill before the time runs out. Especially with the roads all covered in snow right now.


Watcher of Overs
Every time there's something new like this I get in and they call me while I'm driving, and I forget what they said 10 seconds later as I'm doing 150 through traffic.

Ok I suffered through the HEY YO YO YO ITSYA BOI videos to discover it's a agency property buy on dynasty 8 executive. I think. They are 2 to 2.8 million and I only have 1 so I gotta go back to Epstein island a couple times I guess.


Watcher of Overs
So I did a run of the Epstein island heist solo as I couldn't get my usual companions interested. There's a part in the beginning where you meet up with a DJ and some friends to board the jet to the island, and Dr. Dre shows up with his entourage.

I thought maybe I had stumbled into the new missions, but it was the old standard island quest. I can't tell if they added that in to give a little background to the new stuff, or if it was always there and I just don't remember. Either way very cool.

I will probably do one more island heist before I do the new stuff. I got about a million from the isle so I could maybe barely afford the cheapest building, but then I'd be broke. I'd rather have a bit of extra just incase it is needed for upgrades or whatever.


Watcher of Overs
I won this car. It has rainbows all over it. I think it is a 9/11 of some sort.

Haven't quite made it to the dr dre stuff yet.
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Watcher of Overs
I made one more withdrawl from the bank of perico. Took a friend this time and they for sure toughened it up a bit. If the guards are alerted you can't just swim way out to the map edge anymore. You need to actually make it to the sub. Some of the patrols are a little different, and security cams will notice bodies.

The new building did have a couple addons. A gunsmith area, and a car upgrade area. I already have both at my bunker, so I wasn't really sure if they were redundant or had new stuff. I didn't really have the money for them though.

Franklin is your partner, but Lamar did show up briefly, which was hilarious as always. A "hacker girl" is around somewhere. Looks like it will be a few days of simple missions till you get to the big stuff. We did one and then there was some kind of cooldown. I don't know if it's minutes or hours or what, but kind of lame.