The key to good Pho is you have to add Cap 'N Crunch, Pringles, slices of avocado and a few cotton balls.
I dont understand the fascination with this pho shit. There is a supposedly really good one by us that everyone raves about so I went there at lunch one time and it was disappointing all around. Big bowl of watered down broth with noodles and a few pieces of beef. I had to add a 1/2 bottle of cock sauce to make it taste like anything.
Make yourself a good chicken soup,I use 2 whole chicken cut in 1/2 They are like $5 at kroger. I use left over chicken to make chicken salad the next day or whatever, kids love it with crackers. If you want beef broth, use beef shanks. Onion celery and carrot, fucking simple maybe some garlic curly parsley or any of that asian shit you want to add, like lemon grass?. Let that shit simmer down to intensify the flavor add fucking noodles of your choice and profit.
I just read its star anise, ginger and fish sauce. There is your leet secret to pho.
Speaking of food I don't understand why it's so popular...avocado. Great ingredient provided you have the seasoning and texture to back it up. Otherwise, it's basically nature's shortening.
The key to good Pho is you have to add Cap 'N Crunch, Pringles, slices of avocado and a few cotton balls.
When I'm making "broth" I can't be bothered to skim, so I usually end up with "dirty" broth with all the scum proteins mixed in/hazing it up. Flavor's fine though; skimming has always been about presentation.
Clear broth is for pussies.
Try chicken from ethnic grocers like Mexican, Chinese or indian.The beef (especially the tri-tip) from the butcher has been great, and they're cheaper than the grocery store for all of it except for stuff like NY strips.
The chicken is about the same price or a little bit more, but God DAMN it's been a decade since I had a chicken breast that didn't taste like rubber. We've been keeping a "blacklist" of brands of chicken on the fridge for the last year, and it's almost every brand safeway carries now. At least in my area. The stuff from the butcher shop was amazing.
This is what I cooked it in, too. Love this stuff.
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was it bibigo?Found some Korean BBQ sauce at Kroger on Friday and picked up some boneless short ribs. I let them marinate over night and cooked them in the Sous Vide for 9 hours (Was supposed to be 11 but I didn't want to be fucking with them at 11pm at night).
Flavor turned out amazing, really tender too. I can't imagine cooking them for 36 hours on the other setting. They didn't look aesthetically pleasing so I didn't take any pictures.