a lot of ppl just grab the most easily available spatula they have, and that would be a fork!Why are you using metal utensils on a nonstick pan?
who says they even have spatulas? and the kind of ppl that grab a fork to cook, if they had a spatula it's usually in the sink anyway.I don't even get the fork in a pan thing. It isn't any easier. And all my pans are shit and stuff sticks a bit anyways; spatulas are still easier.
especially when I make a 5 or 6 egg scramble. I can't even imagine flipping that thing over, or getting it out of the pan, with a fucking fork, LOL
white girl fried rice blog recipe
so...I saw gochujang or whatever...mayo...at the grocery. Da fuq? Something tells me that isn't for bologna sandwiches, LOL
I want to make a "different" side dish for my family Thanksgiving dinner. 25 people....ideas please!