are you using molassas?
Honey and brown sugar. I did not boil it into syrup after marinade nor use red coloring.
are you using molassas?
I made lamb chops in my instant pot tonight and goddamn they were some of the best I've ever had. I love lamb chops, but it's usually a pretty time intensive cooking process. These took no more than 10 min. Turned out fucking great. The flash from the camera was a little much, but when I look at this pic I want to eat them again.
Yes, to basically 90% of products now.Is everyone just buying from China and slappin' their own logo on it?
yes, just choose the cheapest one, all these assholes are just dropshippers trying to undercut the other guy by 1$Is everyone just buying from China and slappin' their own logo on it?
View attachment 227051 View attachment 227052 View attachment 227053 View attachment 227054 View attachment 227055
^ each pic from a different Amazon listing
Looks good. You sear them off after pressure cooker?
Those look fantastic. I usually keep the rack with 4 to 8 bones whole and just grill them like a ribeye with some aluminum over the bones so they don't burn off and slice them after resting. Never thought of doing it in the instant pot, will have to give it a go next time. Are those potatoes or grits you put them on?
How timely!Anyone doing something fancy for Thanksgiving? I've got a larger than normal group coming up and debating on what to do. Last year played it traditional with a smoked turkey, mashed potatoes, cranberries etc. and it was good but fairly boring. The smoked turkey carcass making a stock for turkey chili, noodle soup and pot pies over the next few days ended up being enjoyed a lot more than the actual thanksgiving dinner. Not really sure what to do outside of smoking a huge amount of meat (turkey, goose, rib eye roast, leg of lamb, brisket, etc) and appropriate sides. Anyone ever do a turducken and can speak to if the prep work is worth it vs just enjoying the duck by itself?