Let me know how much you like using it and if you think it is worth adding another type to the cupboard

What you need it depends on what you want to make, but you have what you need to make most things. From there it is just about what you like.
I am definitely extreme when it comes to the types of flour I have hanging around. I keep bread flour, AP flour, 00 flour, rye flour, spelt flour, and rice flour. Of the rye and AP, I have two types. One bag each of cheap supermarket stuff and one of the fancy local stone-ground stuff. I use the stone-ground ones (about 3x more expensive) to feed starters. I am happy with the results and have extremely vigorous starters that nearly have the power of commercial yeast, which is likely due to the extra nutrients from stone grinding.
I use about 1/3 rye in my normal sourdough loaves, so I go through a decent amount of that. They don't have quite the spring of an all bread-flour loaf, but I like the color and taste more. The spelt I use in to fluff up my Rugbrød (Scandinavian style rye bread) a little, it isn't necessary, I just like the way it comes out better. The AP is for the usual other kinds of stuff like cookies, hamburger buns, gnocchi and so on (I also use a little in my focaccia and sfincione). The 00 I use is actually pastry flour, but I mostly use it for fresh pasta since I rarely make sweets. The rice flour is just for dusting the bannetons so they don't stick.
What I do is way overkill though, it is very much a hobby for me and I give a good bit of it away.
Edit: Nearly forgot the Maseca that I use to make corn tortillas. It is crazy expensive here but worth it, fresh corn tortillas taste amazing.