I was looking for some kind of "wow I've never had that before!" thing
miso should be easy enough to find if you don't have it, my kroger sells itThanks! Braised beef was one of the 3 recipes I had picked out to try next time. I haven't seen miso braised beef before.
dexter russel knives are made with dexsteel, their version of stainless steelanyone use this type of paring knife? these are the only 2 brands i see on amazon, remember when i worked in kitchens they would buy them by the dozens, don't remember the brand or it they were stainless or not.
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first eastern European / Slavic / Russian cooking channel that I've seen that a) treats it seriously, b) is targeting the English language audience. He doesn't make a big point of where the stuff comes from but every once in a while there'll be a dish that is whacked out by our standards (breaking a cream sauce on purpose comes to mind) and you'll get glimpses of the Russian style mayo/catsup packs and or other similar packaging.
Attempted al pastor. Came out pretty good but I might try to fake a rotisserie with skewers and the broiler next time instead of grilling it. Should also cut it much thinner before cooking. Flavor is great though.
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Attempted al pastor. Came out pretty good but I might try to fake a rotisserie with skewers and the broiler next time instead of grilling it. Should also cut it much thinner before cooking. Flavor is great though.
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I tried to do Ruth Chris's tomatoes, didn't really pan out. Everything else was perfection View attachment 353073