Greed Monger - "What Ultima Online X should have been"


Avatar of War Slayer
whats with the ridiculously low kickstarter goal?

Rent to access land sounds very cool.
Lots of these features sound neat on paper, but I wonder how well thought out they are.

I think that is a major problem with kickstarter games. I'm sure any dev will tell you how massively different a games design doc is, and the final product. so making promises in a kickstarter, before you get down and make the game, seems dangerous. either you break your promises, or you add shitty features, that you promised, but don't work well.

Did a search, this article seems to address those questions.

1. Dude is an mmo fighter, that wanted to break from that, and start a game company. using unity engine, hired 8 people to make the game.
2. Apparently doesn't care about profit. "expects 500 or so kickstarters. and 300-10,000 total population."
Sounds like just a guy with the money to fund a game he wants to play, and making it open to public.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Not into crafting but I like the sound of the social aspects of all coming together to build the taverns etc. in the world, very cool.

Does it mention anything about classes? (at work so can only skim) Am looking for a game with more depth to classes such as those in AO, rather than "here is your warrior class with his gap closing skill, here is your ranged dot class, here is your ranged burst class" etc.


it's not even worth discussing a guy thinking he can make an mmo with 90k

I have awesome ideas for an MMO too, we all do and we all dream up neww ones every night but I'm not dumb enough to put them on kickstarter like this and realize they will never come into fruition


Goonsquad Officer
He's probably like dwarf fortress guy. He wants to make the game he wants to make, and you're welcome to come along on the journey. With any luck he'll develop a core following and his donations will grow. I haven't given to a kick starter yet, but I hope his takes off.


Vyemm Raider
He sounds exactly like the kind of person that gets hard over a griefer fest dressed up as a game.


Threatening to have Phil Baroni beat up your detractors is definitely a new spin on the "completely talentless socially retarded Idea Guy and his unrealistic dream of MMO paradise"


Avatar of War Slayer
yeah. my first thoughts at seeing the $ goal was scam.
but then, I looking up, I took it more for inexperience and personal vanity project.

Its pretty clear, he doesn't really know what hes getting into. Kindof like my first point on kickstarter games. Things change in development. everyone has ideas, but executing on them is a whole different ballpark.

Its going to be a rocky road along the way no matter what. Anyone going into this thinking the results are going to be AAA groundbreaking blockbuster, is out of their mind.
So the question is, malice or naivety? If it was malice, wouldn't he be asking for money in the first place?

So yeah. dude wants to build his own game, how he wants it to play. has money, but doesn't really know how to do it. And as stated, your welcome to join him if you want.
Expect alot of bad ideas to be implemented, and a few good ideas implemented poorly.