Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Ngruk said:
RA won"t hesitate to kill things if the story fits. For all you Drizzt haters, he wouldn"t be the epic hero if he wasn"t as bad ass as RA makes him, it"s FANTASY you dorks.
Good point. Too bad you just alientated your entire player base. You fucking moron.

Let me clue you in on something else...


Salvatore had 3 decent books, that I, and you, read when we were 12 while we were trying to figure out how to kiss a chick. He is a sell out. Period. And so are you since you tried to defend McQuaid which I warned you to stay away from the last thread (Good boy by the way). But now, I am honestly pissed that you just called these people dorks. What makes your ass any better than anyone here you fucking idiot? You have no clue who I am. But I swear to Christ when I read that, no matter who has hated me here for the last 6 years, I got fired up when you called them dorks. These are cool ass people who sit behind a computer and love games.

These people just want to play games and meet people who want to do the same. And they might make friends. Albeit over the computer... who gives a flying fuck. A hell of a long way from the real live world of the fake fuckers that were trying to get us to buy into their advertisement bullshit and snort coke... right?

Here, let me give you a hint of who I am.

A damn close friend of mine who died suddenly and we had a funeral in Wayzata, MN. Hrbek, Bruno (And his awesome wife), Gladden, Salas, Viola... Along with Bob Costas. I can PM you the name of the church if you need me too. Im saying this just so you know I am not full of shit. (Oh... And the comic joke about Reardon and Diamonds... But he was off his meds right?)

Man... These people here know nothing about the life of a major league athlete. And you just called them all dorks.

You keep shelling (No pun intended) your shit.

You are damn near as bad as McQuaid. And I am pissed at myself that I damn near gave myself away. But Christ, do you fucking suck.

These people are cool people. Why? Because if anything, they are real. And that is why I got into this damn thing in the first place. No one knows who you are. You log in, you are a cartoon character. And you can be someone else than I do this, or I do that, or I make this much, or I made that much.

Christ, I made better friends here than I ever did in pro ball. Why? Because no matter how much they hated my ass or wrote against me, at least it was fucking real.

And you just called them dorks.

Way to go moron.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Oh: PS:

Garnett and I used to play flag football off of Cedar Lake Road in Minnetonka before he moved. (By the old Cheap Skate)

(Just because I don"t want to hear any backlash)


Ut you"re a fucking attention whoring dork.

Start a blog and vent all you want there so we can just ignore you on these forums. We really don"t care whose funerals you attended or where you played flag football.

Really we don"t.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Don"t speak for the masses.

Do you really think I give a shit about internet fame? I have been here since 2002. That"s seven years you moron.

I got offended by a twit that ripped on people here. And that person knows better.


1) RA kicks ass. Drizzt kicks ass. If you don"t like him, don"t read his books.

2) Who the hell cares if someone calls us dorks? He was probably being sarcastic anyway considering we"re all posting on a gaming messageboard. Heck, a lot of Japanese chicks love dorks


The Dirtbag
Holeeeee Shit Utnayan.

I"m pretty sure you"re the ONLY person that gives a shit he used the word dork in his post.

Way to have a fucking PMS fit dude. Seriously.


Molten Core Raider
It"s hard to find fault when a lot of us were dorks. Granted in 7 years most of us got a degree and are now geeks. Fuck, I"d say the same thing about star wars nerds. Then again this may be one of those only black people can tell American Inventor joke things but who knows.

Curt"s said some stupid shit in the past, including trying to defend Brad as some kind of visionary, but I don"t think this is one of those things. I could be wrong however but I really didn"t get a holier then thou vibe.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
While I sometimes cheer you on from the sides Ut in this case I think you"re blowing your top over nothing. I read that as a very tongue-in-cheek comment by him and I"m fairly sure that"s how it"s to be taken. We are all gaming dorks here, you and Curt included - embrace it.


The tone of Ngruk post was all but offensive, I think he was talking as someone would among friends, why stir shit on that? Also, it"s not that "dork" is something that deeply offensive, when the usual friendly epithome people use here is "fucking asshole, go choke on a bag of cocks", let"s not talk about the unfriendly ones.

You reallly are blowing this out of proportions Ut.

To be clear, I don"t care about Ngruk posts as a CEO of a company, to me he"s just a gamer talking about games, he just happens to have a bunch of money so he can make one. If his company makes a good game I"ll play it, otherwise I"ll piss on it on these forums together with many others and we will all enjoy the show.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
When Ngruk said that I honestly felt he was just joking about us all, himself included. Hell, Ngruk can talk more passionate and nostalgic about EQ then I even can, it is obvious he feels at home here when we talk about this shit; no way was he being an arrogant sportshero that distantiates himself from the dorks.

Granted, the guy will also feel at home between the big sport guys, good for him.

To Utnayan: " dayum you angry" (sorry, I stole that from his internets, made me laugh)

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
LOL you people honestly think Ut can pick up on something like a subtle a joke? Ut is as subtle as a bull in a china tea cup shop.

Actually he did WARN him ahead of time though! Fucking dork.

And it"s really fucking early. I read Bob Costas as Bob Villa in my head haha. Was like whoopdee fucking doo he knows a guy that can fake fixing houses on TV.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The best thing Bob Costas ever did was his cameo on Baseketball. Bob Vila, on the other hand, is nearly unrivaled in pure badassedry and general manliness. The dude would put two pieces of boards together, put a nail through them, and then the boards would come to life, start beating the shit out of some pansies, and then fuck their girlfriends all due to the spare testosterone that oozed out of Vila while completing his project.

And then there"s Bob Ross. I lost my virginity to Bob Ross.


I am fairly certain "dorks" was meant as a semi-respectful joke. I am surprised we"re every talking about it.

Curt is an adult male, who had a good job (and was famous), and still could tell you the intricacies of raiding in both EverQuest, and World of Warcraft, probably at length. I am pretty sure that"s undeniably dorky (and awesome!).


Avatar of War Slayer
Zehn - Vhex said:
Factions or not won"t matter. Even if you had perfectly equal sides you have no guarantee that an even number will show up to every fight. With 3 factions or more you"re assuming the two weaker sides will join up against the more powerful. More likely the two most powerful sides will stomp the weaker one. And even then you"re hoping for a 50/30/20 split so it"s relatively even. If you somehow get 33/33/33 then you just recreated your imbalanced scenario.

Even zero faction FFA usually leads to some superguild dominating the server.

I don"t propose a solution because there is none. If you"re going to have open world pvp with conquerable objectives and the like, shits always going to be imbalanced and you"re going to have to design around it.

If you just want pvp in your game as "something to do" I would honestly just have pop capped instanced pvp. On top of that make gear not matter. All attacks just do a set % of damage, all abilities have a pre-set pvp use and so forth. Gear is pretty much totally disabled and just there for looks. I"d go on but here"s the second half of a previous post about the same shit:


Personally I prefer factions that you join by choice then you"re assigned to by race if you"re going to have them for making pvp seem more logical.
lol wut? at the derail. haha.
Back to the constructive discussion.

I"d agree. I"m not really sure what the best answer is. Zero faction FFA doesn"t really solve the population imbalances, as players just make them population imbalance themselves, on purpose. They can change sides much better then hard coded factions. Other methods to make pure numbers not overbearing need to be found.
Instancing is one. It would allow more even numbers, stop servers from crashing constantly on large scale fights, etc.

When working with a zero faction system, sheltering the casual players while not restricting their options is necessary as well.


Utnayan said:
Random Attention Getting Stuff
I don"t get it. You get fired up when someone calls you a name (and/or other people), but you have zero empathy for the waste you spit out at people on a daily basis? Do you recognize what you"re doing? *knock knock*

Stay classy.

Who in the hell takes offense to being called a nerd, dork, or geek these days? Seriously.


Utnayan said:
Good point. Too bad you just alientated your entire player base. You fucking moron.

Let me clue you in on something else...


Salvatore had 3 decent books, that I, and you, read when we were 12 while we were trying to figure out how to kiss a chick. He is a sell out. Period. And so are you since you tried to defend McQuaid which I warned you to stay away from the last thread (Good boy by the way). But now, I am honestly pissed that you just called these people dorks. What makes your ass any better than anyone here you fucking idiot? You have no clue who I am. But I swear to Christ when I read that, no matter who has hated me here for the last 6 years, I got fired up when you called them dorks. These are cool ass people who sit behind a computer and love games.

These people just want to play games and meet people who want to do the same. And they might make friends. Albeit over the computer... who gives a flying fuck. A hell of a long way from the real live world of the fake fuckers that were trying to get us to buy into their advertisement bullshit and snort coke... right?

Here, let me give you a hint of who I am.

A damn close friend of mine who died suddenly and we had a funeral in Wayzata, MN. Hrbek, Bruno (And his awesome wife), Gladden, Salas, Viola... Along with Bob Costas. I can PM you the name of the church if you need me too. Im saying this just so you know I am not full of shit. (Oh... And the comic joke about Reardon and Diamonds... But he was off his meds right?)

Man... These people here know nothing about the life of a major league athlete. And you just called them all dorks.

You keep shelling (No pun intended) your shit.

You are damn near as bad as McQuaid. And I am pissed at myself that I damn near gave myself away. But Christ, do you fucking suck.

These people are cool people. Why? Because if anything, they are real. And that is why I got into this damn thing in the first place. No one knows who you are. You log in, you are a cartoon character. And you can be someone else than I do this, or I do that, or I make this much, or I made that much.

Christ, I made better friends here than I ever did in pro ball. Why? Because no matter how much they hated my ass or wrote against me, at least it was fucking real.

And you just called them dorks.

Way to go moron.
Lighten up francis, you are going to blow an O ring with all that dork rage. Seriously.