Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

Mr Element_foh

I, for one, am really looking forward to the possibility of offline advancement. And i really don"t care how bland it is. I really hate doing tradeskills and bazaar stuff in game. If I"m on my character, i just rather be crawling through a dungeon or exploring a new area. I know a lot of people like to sit in cities and be sociable and thats cool, but I rather be sociable while I"m blowing up kobolds. If I could work on tradeskills or sale fine steel weapons from my phone, that"d be awesome. If nothing else, I"d like to be able to "check on" my character while I"m at work or class. Getting a message on my phone that I sold my dagger for 88g would make me look forward to logging on that night because i can finally afford that robe I"ve been wanting.
Let"s be honest, this thread (which is probably the longest thread in MMO history) only exists for a couple of reasons. It"s all about building street cred for Curt. It"s a way for a gifted retired athlete with lots of money to throw around to feel like he"s mingling with the masses as he explores his new career as a MMO executive.

Secondly, this thread would have beenrickshawedlong ago it it wasn"t for the celebrity that continues to post here. Curt"s presence here gives these forums instant credibility and validation. It"s a win-win situation for both him and the management here.

I guarantee you that once the game goes live, Curt will never bother to post here and who could blame him. Do you really think Mike Morhaime has time out of his busy day to waste posting to this virtual mosh pit? I think not.

If you want serious discussion of Curt"s MMO then I suggest you go elsewhere to38 Watch forumswhere they actually have serious and polite discussion and a semblance of moderation.


Trakanon Raider
Ngruk said:
Cincinnati, best BBQ ribs on the planet. 1 of my top 10 spreads, post game.
that may be true, but who the hell wants to go to cincinnati? talk about a shit hole. besides, anyone who knows ribs knows that pappy"s in st. louis are the best ribs on the planet.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Dude, the thread is only 7800 replies, it"s really not that big yet. And you"re totally wrong about Curt not posting here after the game launches. He promised us Zombie Curt would post here in the coming apocalypse. That shit is what I call dedicated.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Ngruk said:
Cincinnati, best BBQ ribs on the planet. 1 of my top 10 spreads, post game.
I guess you never went to Sweet Lucy"s while you were here in Philly???


"Instead of corpse runs, you will reanimate as a zombie and attack your fellow players until they kill you back to life."

All of Nebraska"s BBQ places have signed some kind of satanic contract with Cookies. It kinda sucks. At least the meat"s good.

Low level boar-hunting quests need real rewards, I suggest ribs.


Old Man Potter said:
Let"s be honest, this thread (which is probably the longest thread in MMO history) only exists for a couple of reasons. It"s all about building street cred for Curt.
Eh? Even the Eve war thread is 200+ pages longer than this thread. I do think its a bit silly given that there isn"t any news.. but whatevah. I have no expectations for this game whatsoever, so if it does turn out to be awesome... I"ll be pleasantly surprised. I think the people that expect any game to be the 2nd coming of MMOs at this point are setting themselves up to be disappointed regardless of how good the game ends up being.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Northerner said:
Oh shit, nowthiscould make for a derail. Incoming Ut declaring for Texas in 3...2....1

Best BBQ was up at a place called Pier 1 on the south shore of Ottertail Lake, MN. It was where I had my first ever Guinness. They have the best BBQ Ribs I have ever had. 2nd would probably be Frankies here in Maple Grove, MN. Their sauce is number 1.

But honestly, nothing, and I mean nothing, beats the shrimp sauce from a place called Benehanas.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Utnayan said:

Best BBQ was up at a place called Pier 1 on the south shore of Ottertail Lake, MN. It was where I had my first ever Guinness. They have the best BBQ Ribs I have ever had. 2nd would probably be Frankies here in Maple Grove, MN. Their sauce is number 1.

But honestly, nothing, and I mean nothing, beats the shrimp sauce from a place called Benehanas.
That mustard based steak sauce is waaaay better, imo.

And Minnesota has the best BBQ?! Hah! Minnesota is a frigid wasteland, I don"t think they"ve seen a naturally produced fire since before the last ice age.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
James said:
That mustard based steak sauce is waaaay better, imo.

And Minnesota has the best BBQ?! Hah! Minnesota is a frigid wasteland, I don"t think they"ve seen a naturally produced fire since before the last ice age.
I would log into WoW and say something to you but you would screen shot it and use it as your sig.



Trakanon Raider
Convo said:
I guess you never went to Sweet Lucy"s while you were here in Philly???
if you"re ever in west chester (not too far south of philly) try mabel"s barbeque. best i"ve tasted in the north east by far.

Gnome Eater_foh

Ngruk said:
A year ago I would have agreed 100%, but now, not so much.
Ngruk, if you are a betting man, we can argue about which of the Kennedy "heirs" gets Teddy"s seat. That seat is pretty much the Kennedy seat, nobody else will go there.

I hate political dynasties, but that"s the reality of the thing.

I have no clue about your political views beyond the fact that you supported McCain (who in fairness is by far the most palatable of the republicans except the Maine ladies) but I doubt even a very moderate republican could get elected in Mass in the senate. I also question the "future" of moderate republicans, they pretty much are going extinct, and the few remaining ones will probably switch parties in the near future.


I don"t think the seat gets taken by an Heir. Arguably one of the most corrupt families in modern american history if you ask me.

I hope, I pray, our country is moving to a place where it elects the best person for the people, as opposed to the most palatable solution of the folks on the ticket.

Since Clinton, imo, this country has become a "lesser of two evils" when it comes to voting in elected officials.

Go back on this thread to understand why I would never make it in politics.

My first act in Mass would be to banish every human who had major influence in any WAY SHAPE OR FORM on the Big Dig (one of the things I want to talk to Charlie Baker about btw).

Has there ever been a more colossal waste of money? How many teachers, policeman, fireman and social programs could have been helped with that 3 billion? Not to mention that 3 Billion was pretty much being spent to get people to work 15 minutes faster right?

String them all up.