GTA IV Modding


Lord Nagafen Raider
Just picked this up during the steam sale as part of the $12.49 bundle.

I have it on PS3 and have played the ever living shit out of it.

Does anyone else have it on PC that has played with MODS?

If so, do you have any recommendations? It looks like there's an absolute shitload on

Read an article here some recommendations but I'd like to hear from you guys, because I know there's quite a few people here that are into modding.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
It's been a year and a half since I modded out GTAIV but most of the mods that I remember then centered around graphical mods. And like GTAIV the mods are very computationally intensive.

My recommendation is to look on youtube for modded GTAIV demonstrations and follow guides for videos you like.


There are, of course, a bunch of gameplay mods but I haven't seen any that really add a lot to the game, Icould be wrong though.


i used this
iCEnhancer 2.1 from website
he also had a big article about it, with screenshots, and other mod recommendations, but it looks like his website is getting changed around

I also downloaded Ultimate Textures v2.0 - it was 4GB of downloading
and other bits like:
DKT70 HD Roads Re-edited by Fonia5


Golden Knight of the Realm
iCE is the big one, iirc 2.5 came out not too recently (might be made/updated by a different modder), everything else is just replacement textures.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Downloaded ICE, shit looks amazing. Then I fucked my game up by trying to install a car pack without backing up my shit. I'm a genius.

Tomorrow I'll have it re-downloaded and then I'll see if I can't figure out this fuckin' Spark installer thing.

Is it better to download an entire car pack or pick and choose which ones I want? I'd like to replace some of the shittier cars in the game, but I'd also like new ones. I think from what I've read though that if you add them you have to use a spawner to spawn them, is that correct?

Thanks again for the info.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Just starting messing with this too. I tried a number of ENB configurations, right now using ICE 2.1 as that seems the best. Certainly took forever to figure out though. I down patched to 1.0.4 since I've read there are a number of issues with the latest patch. Only bad thing is my CPU is the weakest link in my rig so I only average about 25 fps.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Fuck it I can't figure out how to add cars to this motherfucking game. The ENB shit works, but everything else causes launch crashes. Fuck it.

EDIT: Got some singular cars working, but then had to edit the god damn handling file (because the cars would almost instantly flip over) and it broke all to hell. Had to re-download again last night. Just gonna get some graphical updates and roll with it near-stock.

Also the ENB I downloaded ended up being way too over the top, need to find one where every light in the city doesn't look like I'm staring at the sun.

Finally found some videos about what I was doing wrong, won't be able to get to it again until raids and all :p


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'm only slightly retarded. Herpa derp have to downgrade a patch for the shit to work.



Blackwing Lair Raider
Yea hardly any of the mods, especially car mods work with the latest patch. It's a pain in the ass but once it's done (turn off auto update in Steam) you're good. I still don't know if I like Ice 2.1 yet, it still feels a little too bright during the daytime and that's with the brightness turned all the way down. It doesn't help that the site I'm getting this stuff from (gta4-mods) sucks in terms of constructive comments. Wish there was a nexus site to host this stuff.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Alright, got everything situated. Now comes the long process of finding and trying out cars that aren't made by fucking retards that won't flip over when you turn at full speed.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yea it's hard to tell what's crap and what's good. I found a pretty decent thread on modding in general for enbs and cars.
That actually helps alot. I was thinking about trying this out tonight

Simply because there's a video with it in which he spawns ALL of the cars and drives them a little bit so you can see they don't flip over and shit, looks really nice.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Alright, after fucking my game up AGAIN last night, I'm just going to make a backup of the entire 13gb fresh download and install. I think I've finally narrowed down which mods I want to use though, so that's good.

The problem I was having last night was after I installed the big vehicle pack, my game would take like 20 seconds to load textures and shit. So I would be driving on essentially open space. Not sure if that was the huge car pack, or from trying to install the iCE mod over a milder version of it which I ended up not liking.

I liked how the iCE mod looked when I downloaded it at the very start, but it was the link from that article in my first post. However, the only problem with it was that the lights were so god damn bright during the day. I didn't really get a feel for the one they listed in that neogaf link you posted Vandyn, but I'm going to just do that word for word tonight and see how it comes out.

Might just forego the vehicle pack altogether and just spend some extra time trying to piece in cars that are done well...while the vehicle pack is pretty sweet because it replaces over 90 cars, it also has some extra texture shit I really don't care about. I want a mix of it looking good, awesome cars, and performance...because I still want to PLAY the fucker, not take screenshots.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Alright, after fucking my game up AGAIN last night, I'm just going to make a backup of the entire 13gb fresh download and install. I think I've finally narrowed down which mods I want to use though, so that's good.

The problem I was having last night was after I installed the big vehicle pack, my game would take like 20 seconds to load textures and shit. So I would be driving on essentially open space. Not sure if that was the huge car pack, or from trying to install the iCE mod over a milder version of it which I ended up not liking.

I liked how the iCE mod looked when I downloaded it at the very start, but it was the link from that article in my first post. However, the only problem with it was that the lights were so god damn bright during the day. I didn't really get a feel for the one they listed in that neogaf link you posted Vandyn, but I'm going to just do that word for word tonight and see how it comes out.

Might just forego the vehicle pack altogether and just spend some extra time trying to piece in cars that are done well...while the vehicle pack is pretty sweet because it replaces over 90 cars, it also has some extra texture shit I really don't care about. I want a mix of it looking good, awesome cars, and performance...because I still want to PLAY the fucker, not take screenshots.
That's exactly why I was hesitant to add in a car pack because I'm pretty sure there would be a number of them that I probably wouldn't like. Plus a lot of comments on the one you linked mentioned handling/engine sound on some didn't quite feel right. Not to mention loading issues (if it was related).

I did the exact same thing last night btw, fucked up my install. Got greedy and installed RealizmIV over what I already had and it messed all sorts of crap up, to the point where it was just better to start from scratch. Made another copy of my backup, then followed the NeoGaf thread to a tee, installing only Ice 2.1 and Ultimate textures (which is not in that link). The key is downgrading to 1.0.4 patch, everything I read says even Ice for 1.0.7 is garbage.

The Ice configurator is pretty sweet if you don't want to mess with the iceconfig file. After that, for some reason LaunchGTA wasn't working (saying 0 bytes) so I just copied LaunchGTA from my backup and after that everything was fine. Loaded up and it looks just about right. My main issues seem to be with brightness, it's either too bright during the day or I tweak it enough where it's not as bright but then night time is pretty dark (almost too dark). I think I got it set, tonight I'll fine tune a little bit and if I like it I'll post what my ice configurator settings are.

Like I said, with this setup I get about 20-25 fps, which is playable for me, but I think that's more a result of the fact that I only have an Core I3 CPU.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'd definitely be interested to see what your settings end up at. I've got a gen 2 i5 and a gtx560 so my fps ends up being pretty good (when I don't screw everything up). The nice thing about trying cars once you get everything else set up, is that you can download the original car file and just wipe it once you've tested which cars to keep and which ones you want to toss. There's a link to it on that step by step car mod tutorial video I posted, which by the way is fucking AMAZING for installing cars. That program is so god damn nice. Don't get all the green checks? Pitch that car, because it's gonna suck dick.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Here was the best balance (all done in the configurator). Keep in mind this isn't screenshot quality, but game play quality. Also keep in mind you may be able to bump up some settings if your rig can handle it.

DOF = On (0.2 blur)
Dynamic DOF = Off
DOF quality = Normal

Bloom = on at .85
Saturation = 1.23
Contrast = .25
Exposure = 1.00

SSAO = medium
Shadow filter = medium

In game, I turned brightness all the way up, everything else was at defaults. I may still experiment with other enbs, we'll see.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Thanks I'll give it a try, right now the default settings for the ENB are almost fine for me. Might get worse under load but I haven't tested it yet. Regular driving and a small shootout with the cops and it was fine.

So tonight I patched to 1.0.4 and copied that entire folder. Then I installed the iCE, scripthook, asi loader, the trainer, the font fix, and the taxi fix. After my wow raid tonight I'm gonna try out some cars.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Finally got all my cars loaded and everything is working fine. The taxi fix sometimes takes a little while to kick in, and I'll have 30-40 seconds of nothing but taxis, but eventually it spawns different vehicles.

Some of the models I put in are...squishy I guess would be the right word. Like the coquette model I use is the Corvette ZR1, and when you hit something it mashes the front end, even at low speed. Kind of annoying, but still fucking awesome to drive if you're careful.

I can't get iCE to work right either. During the day the game is beautiful, and even at night everything looks great, especially in the rain. However, when it's dark and you're not in a's DARK. So dark that I can't see ANYTHING. I was doing the mission where you kill Mikhail in the restaurant, and out in the alley it was so dark it took me nearly 10 minutes to find the fucking stairs that go up to him on the roof. And even then I only found them because I used a trainer to change the time of day so I could fucking see.