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So I got the griffon and my Holosmith Ascended Lightsaber this week.
I'm working on my last piece of Ascended Armor which should be done this weekend.
Now I need to level my weaponsmith to 500 so I can craft an Ascended Shield for my Holosmith and she'll be in full Ascended. I have 2 Ascended Pistols if I want to switch it up.
I still need a little bit of original game exploration for that 100% World Completion that I want.
I need to get some Mastery XP and a few more Mastery Points in PoF for the griffon's masteries.
I also need some Mastery in the original areas to get the Auto-Loot mastery.
I doubt I'll attempt to craft any legendaries, sounds like that's above my patience level.
Then it's going to be a mix of completing a few achievements, and most likely start working on an alt...haven't decided which one yet though...Revenant, Thief, Mesmer or Necro which are all 80...or start a new one at level 1 to experience the entire game with the mounts which probably change the experience a bit.
And I need make some gold, pretty much broke now after getting the griffon.
So still going to be busy for a while.
I really happy that PoF renewed my love for the game. I played quite a bit when the original game came out, and was playing it on and off until HoT came out...played that through the story and quit after that...think I lasted 2 maybe 3 weeks tops and never really came back to it. Now I've back for a little more than a month, and still having fun. I won't forever obviously, but at least it will be back to MMO I go back to once in a while, probably each time they release a LS chapter.
I'm working on my last piece of Ascended Armor which should be done this weekend.
Now I need to level my weaponsmith to 500 so I can craft an Ascended Shield for my Holosmith and she'll be in full Ascended. I have 2 Ascended Pistols if I want to switch it up.
I still need a little bit of original game exploration for that 100% World Completion that I want.
I need to get some Mastery XP and a few more Mastery Points in PoF for the griffon's masteries.
I also need some Mastery in the original areas to get the Auto-Loot mastery.
I doubt I'll attempt to craft any legendaries, sounds like that's above my patience level.
Then it's going to be a mix of completing a few achievements, and most likely start working on an alt...haven't decided which one yet though...Revenant, Thief, Mesmer or Necro which are all 80...or start a new one at level 1 to experience the entire game with the mounts which probably change the experience a bit.
And I need make some gold, pretty much broke now after getting the griffon.
So still going to be busy for a while.
I really happy that PoF renewed my love for the game. I played quite a bit when the original game came out, and was playing it on and off until HoT came out...played that through the story and quit after that...think I lasted 2 maybe 3 weeks tops and never really came back to it. Now I've back for a little more than a month, and still having fun. I won't forever obviously, but at least it will be back to MMO I go back to once in a while, probably each time they release a LS chapter.