Actually decided to get into this again, mainly to take a break from PoE (enjoying it so much I'm almost burnt out on it)
Enjoying PoF, unlike HoT. Stuck with the daredevil since thats what I last played, don't need the shortbow anymore with mounts, so rocking staff and dual pistols for PvE, even if it makes me feel like a Matrix Online refugee. Feel pretty OP in most events, everyone else seems to be going pew pew, me I dive into a pack and everything is dead. I'm a filthy casual, so is most of the playerbase just more casual than I am? Not a complaint, just odd for me.
Heard Deadeye sucks? Haven't tried it yet myself, not sure which char slot to sacrifice on it.
Fire hydras, fuck those guys. Used to them now, but holy shit did they ever make me rage the first few times they pulled "suprise, meteor butsecks!" on me while I was fighting other shit.
Aside from that just that one story mission Night of Fire or some such thing. Was doing great up until the 1st end boss when I was getting raped multiple times by swarms of of those roller/hoverblade dudes that spew flaming aids everywhere. 1 is annoying, 5-6 together was a fucking nightmare. I died so many times just to clear those out, then finally killed the boss easy.
Snipers are annoying, but none of that 1 shot shit from the HoT ones that originally made me quit playing my necro lol.