condi weaver:What's the elementalist build you're using, Tuco? My progress through the story content has been super slow but I finished Living World season 3 and am trying to decide if i wanna try to switch to an elementalist or stick with the mesmer as I head into PoF. The Ele build I originally came across uses the same Ascended set as my mesmer build (Svaard's set), so if I decide to swap classes I can hopefully just move the gear over and only have to worry about the weapon.

Open World Domination: Fire Weaver
You've probably heard that Weaver is too much effort for not enough reward, but it can still be a highly effective class, in particular for open world/story solo play. If you're struggling with weaver or simply looking for a strong solo play build for elementalist, here are some variations on con...

Build Editor - Gw2Skills.Net
I hear a lot of whining from elementalists about being underpowered. I don't know enough about the game to say whether it's true and don't play at a competitive level. But I feel like an absolute monster with my weaver. I can blindly charge into the PvE encounters and dodge-evade-iframe fuck them as I learn the fights while deal enough damage that I feel like I'm cutting through them OK. I usually place top 5 DPS in zergs on ArcDPS, but I don't know how trustworthy that is.
Gear-wise, unless you're doing fractals and need agony resistance a full set of exotic Dire gear is super cheap.
I've also thought about trying out a more glass cannon condi weaver build like Condition Weaver | Snow Crows but am not sure when I'd use it since I'm not playing with any coordinated groups that would be able to support me.
When I'm playing I basically never think, "Man I wish I could exchange half of my survivability for 20% more DPS" or whatever it'd be.
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