Just curious if they fixed the end game dungeons.
My group streamed our first run of the dungeon where you shoot firecrackers at the dragon for 10 minutes to kill it. We called the encounter "embarrassing" several times and the video made its way back to Arena.net. Rather than either (a) fixing the encounter so it didn't suck, or (b) standing behind the quality of the encounter, they pulled a 1999 and filed a complaint with Twitch.tv to take the video down because we violated the Terms of Use by disparaging the game. The video made its way around other gaming companies, so I understand that they weren't too happy about it, but it was unedited footage of actual play, contained no exploits, and was on the live servers significantly after release.
I'm not much of a "they are out to defraud the public" kinda guy, but I think you should stand behind the quality of the content you put in your game....good or bad. If its bad, admit it and fix it. If you think its good, then trust that other customers will see it your way.
I wouldn't go back to the game because I basically think they are douchebags. But out of curiosity I would like to know if the content actually got better since we played it. Anyone know which dungeon I am talking about and if they improved it? You fought waves of mobs on a ship, then went to a turret to shoot what looked like golden fireworks at a dragon. Did they clean up the encounter to make it more fun?