Buffs to skills that are useless and no one ever equips, nerfs to incredibly important things.Looks like the buffs outweigh the nerfs on the ele.
Yea, I always hated the nerf to fun items with no real gain aside from cosmetic. Like the EQ Dark Elf mask, or a WoW item that turned you into a random race.Nerfing fun skills like that takes the fun out of MMO's, I love my movement skills.
The problem with the RTL nerf is that it's just a QoL nerf, you can still use it to get into a fight, then out of a fight, but using it for casual travel sucks.Looks like they buffed alot of the worthless shit to hopefully give the class more options. You still get the same cooldown as long as you hit a target and I never used swirling winds since I'm a d/d ele.
I'm not saying it didn't hurt the class and I won't be able to find out til Saturday. Has anyone played since the nerf?
Fort Aspenwood has a very good pve population. There are also some very good WvW commanders there also like Quenta if you want to do WvW once in awhile. The server also has no chance of moving from T2 to T1 if you are worried about queues.Is anyone playing this for the PVE aspect anywhere? Perhaps with a casual guild? I was always semi interested in it since I don't just care about more gooder stats but PVE was of course the opposite of PRX's goal. Debating firing it up again but my interest in zerg based WvW is pretty much gone at this point. Maybe it will come back later but I'm doubting it.