Guild Wars 2


Unelected Mod
I wonder if PRX will be going to a different game now. Can't really do much else more in the game atm. Brought servers to the top in both brackets and no new real changes for awhile.


Avatar of War Slayer
Fractal change sounds good. Was kindof a dumb implementation earlier.

You will be able to set Fractal level to the level any anyone in the party now. And anyone equal or below that level will get +1 to fractal level.


finally completed the wintersday jumping puzzle, holy fuck


There is a war going on over control of your mind
You guys are still playing this garbage?

I popped in my old server to play with a friend like a week ago and it was a ghost town.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I dont think the game is garbage but there is definitely less activity and there arent many reasons to continue playing once the shiny wears off. The holiday events are the main reason to log in anymore.


There is a war going on over control of your mind
Game's a ghost town on most servers (including my old one) dude, whether you decide to acknowledge it or not.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
That was inevitable, did people expect everyone to keep playing at the same pace as they did at release, ad infinatum? Of course the population has dropped off, that's the way the genre works.

I would like to see them working harder on WvW, but I'm still having a lot of fun with the game.


Trakanon Raider
I stopped playing for like 2 months after release and now that I came back, I'm having way more fun than during launch, with no sub this is exactly the MMO I needed, the thing that you return to once in a while, maybe level a new character, maybe craft yourself that nice looking sword, maybe just fuck around in the world. I don't care if it's a ghost town, I'm pretty sure you still meet more people in the world than in WoW outside of the daily quest hubs.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I stopped playing for like 2 months after release and now that I came back, I'm having way more fun than during launch, with no sub this is exactly the MMO I needed, the thing that you return to once in a while, maybe level a new character, maybe craft yourself that nice looking sword, maybe just fuck around in the world. I don't care if it's a ghost town, I'm pretty sure you still meet more people in the world than in WoW outside of the daily quest hubs.
I'm beginning to think this is an MMO more my style, one I'll be able to enjoy longer term than a lot of others. Because there isn't the subscription fee, there also isn't the guilt if I stop playing for a few weeks, so I likely won't reach that point where I feel like I'm forcing myself to play and inevitably dread doing so. I took a break towards the end of November, and now I'm back having a blast with the holiday events.

As far as the game being a "ghost town", it's a bit of an exaggeration. Sure, there are fewer people playing than there were at launch, which isn't entirely surprising, but most of the servers are still active and generally full at primetime. I took my Guardian around to some low level zones to work on world completion this week, and I was frequently running into other people.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Yes the population has decreased some. Majority of people are in WvW, doing spvp, fractals or LA. Happens in every game and I don't know what games can do about it. You have the initial leveling rush where zones are packed and alive. Then months later everyone hangs out in a central hub and ports to where they need to go. I would love to see them do what they did in guild wars 1 and what WoW is doing now. Combine the servers populations for zones to increase the population, spawn more overflows when needed. In GW2 there is not one drawback to grouping and having more people. It would be the perfect game for it.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Making overflow the default for pve zones would help a lot. There are plenty of people still playing the game but they are too spread out across the servers to trigger the massive events that were so much fun at release. So leveling alts is pretty lonely atm, and a bit boring. They have the tech, hopefully they will implement it soon.

WvW could use some work. It needs some sort of permanence and realm pride. Right now it gets pretty old doing the same thing over and over only to have it reset in the morning. Still a lot of fun but plenty of room for improvement.

Playing pretty casually. Still enjoy the game but sometimes I don't log in for a couple of weeks. Which is how I played GW1, lack of a sub is great. The holiday events are fun. Overall the game is very good, but there are some definite parts I feel GW1 was better at. GW2's storylines are boring, GW1's were interesting. And GW2's combat isn't as deep as GW1's. There is supposed to be a major update in jan/feb. It'll be interesting to see what they do with the game.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Making overflow the default for pve zones would help a lot. There are plenty of people still playing the game but they are too spread out across the servers to trigger the massive events that were so much fun at release.
Yeah I agree with this. They made a few steps to handle large populations but never really tried to handle smaller populations. One idea I had was to group the servers into tiers and concatenate the zone populations based on that. Ex:

If you had 4 servers: a, b, c, d
a,b would be in subgroup 1
c,d would be in subgroup 2

If a zone was very busy the servers would be individually split up into 4 zones (or in an overflow)
If a zone was moderately used the servers would be split into 2 zones, 1 or 2.
If a zone was a ghost town there'd be one zone that housed them all.

It's pretty simple and you could add complexity by handling transitions cleanly but whatever.


There is a war going on over control of your mind
Also some of you guys sound silly when you say "It's the perfect game for me because of no sub". I mean if paying 15$ to try a game out after you take a break for awhile is a huge deterrent for you in MMO's, I think you should be looking to increase your income instead of gaming in the first place.

I mean 1 pizza is more expensive then a monthly sub these days lol