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- 139,592
I dont think the majority of the population of NY supports the ban, I believe it is being imposed on them.If New-Yorkers want their representatives to ban assault riffles, so be it.
I dont think the majority of the population of NY supports the ban, I believe it is being imposed on them.If New-Yorkers want their representatives to ban assault riffles, so be it.
A million years? How about 9 years when the first AWB expired.It's a straight up ban on one type of gun. It still isn't banning guns. May sound like a nitpick, but when it comes to guns, you can't be too cautious on the rhetoric.
Don't get me wrong, I think the idea of an assault weapons ban is stupid, but really, who cares ? If New-Yorkers want their representatives to ban assault riffles, so be it. Let them fight it out amongst themselves. The only AWB I'm worried about is one that comes from Congress and signed by Obama. But we all know that shit will never fly in a million years -- it's DOA in the House.
Wow. I agree with you.Gun control from the left and an increasing militization of schools from the right, the average citizen is at a loss why either of these things should happen. it's literally a rock and a hard place.
So in other words, you can't explain how guns = political clout, ie., you're full of shit.Wherever you have power and you take that power away, a vacumn forms, something always comes in to replace that vacumn. You are used to many things today like free speech and unregulated internet, free travel between states ect. not tomorrow or the day after but if you take the power of being able to protest wrongful action against you, ultimatly by being allowed to kill to protect the idea. If you take the power to kill for an ideal out of the average citizens hands by taking their guns away then those other things you like will eventually go as history records be subverted for economic/political interests. People are mortal, ideas are passed on through us.
ie the world was here before you, it will be here after you are dead. you are not the center of the universe and you have to appreciate your place in the thread of history. what arrogance to say history 200 years ago is irrelevant, that's a mere spec of time compared to human history, the state of the present evolved directly because of the past, infact as you study history you realize time compresses and it is entirely possible to be born live and die in an era of relative peace and not see how changes in society contributed to future conflicts and wars.
Just the fact that they are there changes politics, because real freedom is options, having this particular option changes how the public and government interact.
New York is the mecca for all things liberal; the birthplace of occupy wall-street. And it isn't a monarchy, the people who made that law were voted in by like-minded New Yorkers. Absent some poll that shows otherwise, it stands to reason then that the majority of New York citizens support that law, no matter how stupid it is.I dont think the majority of the population of NY supports the ban, I believe it is being imposed on them.
Maybe you're too dense to get the point that security given by others can be taken at any moment? ask the Japanese Americans what rights they had, it's a list of privileges no more no less.So in other words, you can't explain how guns = political clout, ie., you're full of shit.
So the weak aren't allowed to protect against the strong anymore?The U.S. needs to adopt U.K style gun laws. There is no justifiable reason whatsoever to have guns in a modern world.
I don't understand how people fly passenger airplanes. Or drive cars. Or plug in electronic equipment. Or wake up.I don't understand how people in the U.S. send their kids to school when mass shootings are happening on a regular basis.
Not only are you wrong on this point, you are %100 in the wrong direction. and your whole anti gun rant is full of logical problems as welland there is a reason that murder drops significantly when guns are removed.
lol, this guy.The U.S. needs to adopt U.K style gun laws. There is no justifiable reason whatsoever to have guns in a modern world. I can see how it made sense 200 years ago for the founding fathers to include it when the most deadly weapon out there was a single bullet flintlock and everyone had access to the same technology, but today it doesn't make sense.I don't even think police should have guns in the majority of cases.
http://www.cnn.com/2012/09/15/world/...ack/index.htmlTo those that think having guns protects you from government, the idea that an armed population is actually going to make a different against a modern military is laughable.
i.e. i dont have an argument for this one.To the argument that guns don't kill people, people kill people - who gives a flying fuck? guns make it a lot easier to kill, and there is a reason that murder drops significantly when guns are removed.
yeah, we should just leave ourselves at a mercy of home invaders. especially when they know that no one at home has a gun. then they will stop stealing our TVs and jewelry.To the people touting home defense, you are far more likely to shoot yourself than any robber statistically speaking.
The entire country should be disarmed, doesn't matter if it takes 100 years and 100 billion USD of buybacks and confiscations. I don't understand how people in the U.S. send their kids to school when mass shootings are happening on a regular basis.
Since 2009, 37 people have been killed in "mass school shootings" in the U.S....118 people were killed by lightning in that time frame.I don't understand how people in the U.S. send their kids to school when mass shootings are happening on a regular basis.
Wow, is that one hell of a fucking leap of logic! Between this thread and the paleo diet thread, I'm beginning to see why our country is doomed. You're all idiots. I mean basic skills like being able to logically navigate from A to B to C are completely gone. Just fucking retards. Ugh!New York is the mecca for all things liberal; the birthplace of occupy wall-street. And it isn't a monarchy, the people who made that law were voted in by like-minded New Yorkers. Absent some poll that shows otherwise, it stands to reason then that the majority of New York citizens support that law, no matter how stupid it is.
oh wow, lol.The U.S. needs to adopt U.K style gun laws. There is no justifiable reason whatsoever to have guns in a modern world. I can see how it made sense 200 years ago for the founding fathers to include it when the most deadly weapon out there was a single bullet flintlock and everyone had access to the same technology, but today it doesn't make sense. I don't even think police should have guns in the majority of cases.
To those that think having guns protects you from government, the idea that an armed population is actually going to make a different against a modern military is laughable.
To the argument that guns don't kill people, people kill people - who gives a flying fuck? guns make it a lot easier to kill, and there is a reason that murder drops significantly when guns are removed.
To the people touting home defense, you are far more likely to shoot yourself than any robber statistically speaking.
The entire country should be disarmed, doesn't matter if it takes 100 years and 100 billion USD of buybacks and confiscations. I don't understand how people in the U.S. send their kids to school when mass shootings are happening on a regular basis.