Take rape, a crime usually involving a stronger person attacking a weaker person. Typically, the rapist gets the upper hand in a battle of fisticuffs. This is one of the reasons women are often cautioned to act passively when attacked by a rapist.
When you look at the various types of active resistance (yelling, physical force, etc.), fighting back can be more dangerous than passive behavior. But with active resistance that actually shrinks the strength gap ? removing the power monopoly from the attacker ? the dynamics change dramatically.
Whereas a woman may be severely beaten, even killed, if she resists by using her fists ? where the man likely has her outmatched ? says Lott, ?by far the safest course of action is to have a gun. A woman who behaves passively is 2.5 times as likely to end up being seriously injured as a woman who has a gun.?
Who knew Sam Colt was a feminist?
Criminologist Gary Kleck agrees with Lott, noting that firearms benefit women because ?guns are the weapon type whose effectiveness is least dependent on the physical strength of its user.?
Guns: The great equalizer