I managed to steal someones Air Drop!
I had just spawn and heard a loud ass noise. Look up, and see an plane whizzing across the sky. What the fuck? Green smoke and strobe light package comes really slowly falling down. And it's not that far away!
I made my way to it, and heard a TON of footsteps. I finally catch my eye on the prize...and it's owner. He was being chased by about 10 zombies and couldn't loot it. I ran from tree to tree and quickly started looting and he started punching the shit out of me. I was at about 20 health and finally looted,A FUCKING SHOTGUN!
Ran away, while I loaded it. Obviously angry, he comes charging at me with his fists raised...and BOOM! Down he goes. The zombies turned their attention on me and I holed up in a nearby gas station. One managed to find it's way in and I have to shootit since I'm bleeding out and nearly dead.
Finally I get to rest and bandage myself up, but I hear footsteps nearby...and I'm afraid all the commotion has attracted other survivors...