To provide a little insight into the "hacker" situation...I spent last weekend combing through the game's code and writing a bunch of tools to enhance my experience. Right now it's susceptible to quite a lot. I can teleport wherever I want (supposedly this was fixed per Smedley's tweets, but it still works), duplicate items, and get a list of things (players, zombies, cars) on the server along with their position, inventory, and status. One of the less cheat-like things I did was add a transparent radar in-game that displays my /loc info and also gives me a directional. It sucked hard having to type /loc all the time when finding friends. This weekend I'll be looking into a way to either get item locations or spawn them directly. I haven't been banned yet and likely won't be since I don't use teleporting on a regular basis, but I'd assume the "hardware bans" they're throwing out are profiling by MAC address on the ethernet card, or maybe BIOS serial or CPU ID, though the latter isn't really available anymore. Regardless, all easily circumvented. I don't distribute any of my tools, they're only for personal use, but it's pretty clear others have been doing the same from all the reports I've seen. Hopefully they fix all of this.